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[Y] Marle Faustina Libertina

Marle Faustina Libertina

Played by Height6'2
CreatedJan14/09 20:25:45Weight260 lbs.
ModifiedMay7/09 12:11:12Eyesone red, one purple
Western ZodiacSpeciesSnow kitsune
SexhermFur Colour(s)white, but has biolight
GenderhermFur Patternwhite with red patterns
OrientationbisexualFur Textureshort and smooth
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[Y] History
Shi was born in a country with a queen maddened with grief at the loss of her husband, who died while on an impossible campaign to conquer all surrounding countries. Being the prince and heir to the throne, the queen assured her position as ruler while keeping her son on a leash by keeping him locked away. After a while, he began to manifest magical properties and through a long study of genealogy, turns out is the apex of several intertwined magical bloodlines. Through horrific genetic and arcane experimentation, he was made into a herm, and an ultimate weapon with some rather disturbing twists. Shi remained an obedient pet for a short time, then, after falling in love with one of hir teachers, went on a killing spree due to the madness shi experienced hirself when shi found out the queen had hir love slain by hir own hand while entranced.
[Y] Interests
Biology, Anatomy, History, Religions, Music, Art, Games, Chemistry, and hir Mate.
[Y] Dislikes
Hir true family, people who jump to conclusions, and spammers
[Y] About

Shi has since learned a little more about hirself, and figured out how to use many of hir weapons for more creative purposes, and has even had an encounter with a great demon. Having seduced him, shi gained even greater power, especially over the darkness that used to envolope hir and was used to control hir.

[Y] Relationships
Mate-Caratess/ Ysengren Fenrir
pack-mate- Dissius
Masters- Dusk, Dr. Curry
pack- Acrose and crew
Friends- Kitara, Guy Vulpin, Amor, Psyke, Fen, Tori, Telvit, Druscilla, Omega, Lexi, Dracco Knightblade, Menori, Lukolei, Luc, Vic, Draegon, Aaralyn, Kairi Inverse, Ken Keeryu, and more to follow once I know/remember for sure.
Pets: Lena Darkmor, Kai, and Vincent
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green