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[Y] Anya


Played by Height5'6"
CreatedAug6/13 19:48:31Weight115
ModifiedSep8/13 21:33:48EyesRed
Western ZodiacpiscesSpeciesFeline
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Gray-White
GenderfemaleFur PatternNormal
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSmooth
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[Y] History
Anya comes from rich parents and an idle suburb. She's always been somewhat of a popular-girl and gotten her way. After a tough break up with a long-time boyfriend, she began to reevalute her life and be less-conceited. She has a hidden bisexual-side she is slowly coming to terms with. Currently, she's in college and part of a sorority, enjoying the party scene. It's become increasingly difficult for her to hide her lesbian affections, especially for a few of her new sisters.
[Y] Interests
Art, booze, weed, sunsets, parties, kid shows, fashion, small talk, car rides, social media
[Y] Dislikes
Hard-work, acknowledging personal weakness, studying, being completely open with her feelings, feeling restrained, boredom, people that waste her time.
[Y] About
Pronounced: (On-yuh) Nickname: Annie She is beautiful, and often turns heads, but is prone to sometimes having low self-esteem. She often makes the mistake of reading too much into casual sex, hoping for something more, though she tries not to seem to clingy. In sex; With Men: Prefers alpha-males and athletes. With Women: Likes being taken in-hand by someone more experienced than her. Reference Picture; https://e621.net/post/show/373260/amara_telgemeier-cat-covering-feline-female-hair-k
[Y] Relationships
Inexperienced as a lesbian, several casual encounters with men and an ex-boyfriend she was steady with all throughout high school.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green