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[Y] Steve Rodrigo

Steve Rodrigo

Played by Height5'10
CreatedDec7/13 17:26:57Weight172
ModifiedJan28/14 03:41:01Eyesbrown
Western ZodiacSpeciesUrsine
SexmaleFur Colour(s)brown
GendermaleFur Patternsolid
OrientationhomosexualFur Texture
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History
Grew up in southern california and was an oddball, very smart and over all good kid but then gained an apathetic view of society in his early teens. He committed his first act of violence when his step father told him he would pay him ten dollars if he punched his cousin in the face, that was when he made his first ten bucks and from then on he loved the feeling of hitting someone. Loving the thrill of fighting he took up martial arts and takes his training very seriously, feeling out of place in society he decided to be a cop since the only thing he is good at is violence. Whether he will be a good one or a dirty one? Only time will tell.  
[Y] Interests
Martial arts, Working out, weight lifting, sex and video games along with violence. Is an avid knife collecter and loves physical pain. 
[Y] Dislikes
Boring routine and disrespectful people.
[Y] About
He carries himself well, walking with his head up and looking straight ahead, he takes pride in himself for what he has accomplished with his martial arts and body training. Steve isn't one to say much unless he finds the people around him interesting. He is generally respectful toward people until they are disrespectful to him, he is known to have an explosive temper and after the sudden burst of rage he is once again calm and collected. Scoring a 32 out of 40 on the psychiatric HARE exam he is considered a sociopath and can be highly dangerous. He was arrested at the age of twenty two for walking into oncoming traffic, the cars swerved around him slamming into the side rails while he didn't even flinch, when questioned as to why he did this he said "I was bored." When one talks with Steve it is unlikely they will be able tell there is something wrong with him, as far as Steve knows he knows he has a problem, but he cares nothing for fixing it as he said himself. "This problem, is not a problem, it is only called a problem by people like you, what this really is is a craving for excitement. You see people like me scare the shit out of you, because we know what life really is and how to make it more exciting while you live your life day by day doing the same mundane shit till the day you die." To be quick to the point, Steve craves entertainment, he is an adrenaline addict, this means if he comes across you and you fail to entertain him, he will a find a way to entertain himself using you.
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Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green
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