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[Y] Johnathan Lee

Johnathan Lee

Played by Height6'5
CreatedFeb3/14 14:35:04Weight245
ModifiedFeb3/14 14:35:04Eyeslight brown
BirthdayHairbrown mohawk
Western ZodiacSpeciesBoar
SexmaleFur Colour(s)His hair is brown
GendermaleFur PatternThat of a hairy human male.
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureMostly skin as he is a boar, but has lots of body hair.
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[Y] History
He was a refugee, the NCR had freed him from slavery that Caesars legion had him under. They forced him to mine for and scavenge through various wastelands, Upon being freed the NCR drafted him into service, "Out of shackles and into another pair" He thought to himself, but at least these shackles were a little more loose than the ones he had before. He often thinks back to his old days of working in a caravan company known as the golden gecko. It was great up until a group of Caesars legion killed most of his friends and took him as a slave because of his large size, they figured he would be great at manual labor. After a year of being with the NCR he abondoned post because he grew tired of fallowing orders and being bossed around all the time, he took what little caps he had along with his service rifle and fled to nearby network of caves that he figured they would have a difficult time navigating through.
[Y] Interests
Johnathan loves a good meal, especially since one is so hard to come by, his appetite is massive and he often eats almost anything he can get his hands on. He also loves working out and target practice, he loves to work and repair guns, not the energy based ones though, those confuse him, he favors the more conventional weapons that use bullets rather than batteries. 
[Y] Dislikes
He hates when people make fun of his tusks and does not like being called a piggy, people taunted him with that can easily lead him to a fit of rage. He also dislikes Caesars legion and has bad experiences with the brotherhood of steel. He also hates when someone touches his tail.
[Y] About
Johnathan is a pretty large guy, he is very muscle bound and has a solid abdomen with very feint visible abs, he does have a bit of body fat as he is after all a boar. He prefers wearing sunglasses and does have two ear piercings on his left ear, that was his slave mark given to him by Caesars legion. His tail is one of the parts of his body that does not have muscles and he often wraps it around his waist, it is not very long in length but he doesn't like it to be so open and exposed. His body, mostly his arms are riddled with scars from his fights, he has a few on his face as well as well along his back.
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