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[Y] Scislor


Played by Height6' 9"
CreatedAug15/13 03:05:19Weight215 lbs
ModifiedAug26/13 19:48:28EyesYellow
Western ZodiacSpeciesNaga
SexMaleFur Colour(s)Cerulean
GendermaleFur PatternSolid with markings
OrientationbisexualFur TextureScaly/Leathery
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History
He's the River Prince of the Nile in Egypt, ruling with his brother, Renekton.
[Y] Interests
Ladies, men, socializing
[Y] Dislikes
People who insult his enormous ego. He believes himself high-and-mighty because he's royalty, and hates all who challenge him.
[Y] About
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vKeuBYf5kOgnr3-C7qaIgzIboJYrNiqIPvoTz1QG0AU/edit?usp=sharing All he wears is a loincloth held up by a ruby clasp. His tail extends for almost 8' from his original height. He's a dominant alpha male.
[Y] Relationships
His new pet is Uwain, and he'd protect his pet as much as he'll fuck him.
Uwain likes Scisior and would love to do more.

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