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[Y] Renekton


Played by Height7' 1"
CreatedAug20/13 03:43:06Weight295 lbs
ModifiedAug20/13 04:00:30EyesRed
Western ZodiacSpeciesNile Crocodile
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Green, Yellow
GendermaleFur PatternN/A
OrientationbisexualFur TextureScaly
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History
He's one of the two River Princes of the Nile. The other is Scislor, his naga of a younger brother who has extreme ego issues.
[Y] Interests
Ladies, men, and keeping to his own
[Y] Dislikes
Although he's not as crazy as his brother, he will not hesitate to get violent if someone provokes him too much.
[Y] About
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1st2UmKTrwyLjqtGWG4M11Rv0urMnE5QhWxb9HUbkGk8/edit?usp=sharing He is primarily a dominant character, enjoying to top any who wish to get a taste of the "finest Egypt has to offer." Even though he doesn't generally socialize, he'll kindly have a conversation if approached first. If angered, Renekton will go into a bloodrage, his body going mostly red as he will more often enough attempt to cleave off the offender's head from his body with the large blade he carries with him. (This character is partly based on "Renekton," the champion from the game League of Legends. Any art in the bio-doc, unless stated otherwise, will most likely be from the League's site, because their pics are badass.)
[Y] Relationships
Uwain would love to try once more some day

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