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[Y] Characters
[Y] Kain


Played by Height5'11"
CreatedNov24/08 17:42:01Weight180lb
ModifiedNov24/08 19:03:44Eyeswet concrete grey
BirthdayHairsmoky grey
Western ZodiacSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)smoky grey
GendermaleFur PatternN/A
OrientationbisexualFur Texturecoarse
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[Y] History
Kain was born to an un-assuming smithing family in one of the rural communities of Arrel, he had a normal upbringing and began learning his father's smithy at age 8.  By age 16 he had more or less gotten good enough that he could continue that bussiness but he abandoned it in favour of hunting professionally.  By no means was he a hasty individual, though easily exitable and more than a bit too quick to speak his mind, this trait landed him a glyph of strength emblazoned on his forehead, the glyph could be tapped for its' power through concentration, or through periods of vastly heightened emotion, which usually occured when he became reckless and enraged.  He found that he was a more than adequite hunter and by age 22 he was married, though without childeren, to a vixen from a neighboring town.  Shortly after his 24th birthday his wife, who was six months pregnant with their first child was taken up by a royal patrol on charges that made no sense.  When he confronted the guard at the capitol palace, he was turned away being told that his wife had refused to become concubine to one of the lords as punishment for the charges that no-one would speak of, and had been hanged till dead.  Hearing this, Kain became furious and was forcibly subdued by way of magics, though not before he broke two siege gates and killed a large number of guards.  For reasons unknown to him he was not killed, but instead placed in jail.  After three escape attempts he was relegated to the bottom of the special prisioners tower, the doors sealed with magic, his room flooded with a mix of sleeping herbs and opiates, rendering him harmless, even still his entire body was wrapped in the heavy chains used for drawbridges attatched to counterweights of the same type.  There he was kept for five years before being released to hunt a creature terrorizing a trading town in northern Arrel, his payment for this was banishment, he has wandered ever since.
[Y] Interests
This fur has very few interests, if any, survival seems to be his primary thought,
[Y] Dislikes
Soldiers he will avoid, regardless of whom they serve, as well as most nobility as a simple matter of course, if for no other reason than he bears them a lasting resentment.  He mislikes the idea of hurting women in general, and is rarely of a frame of mind to completely ignore brutality towards them, especially vulpine women.
[Y] About

Due to being heavily sedated and bound for just over five years, he has become an even more unremarkable fur in that he views the entire world in the same uncaring and impassive way, the glyph of strength on his forehead will glow when it becoms active with the brightness indicating the degree of strength it releases.  He is quite close to a truly neutral personality.

 Kain is usually wearing something to blend in with his surroundings, though that's because he's usually doing something that requires such things as that.  Otherwise he is attired in a simple blue tunic belted at the waist in leather, with black trousers.

 Weapons wise he carries a few things, longbow usually unstrung, a few sheafs of arrows a mesh metal net that's weighted, and hardened bone knife.

Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green