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[Y] Characters
[Y] Dimitri Shekhal Vessius

Dimitri Shekhal Vessius

Played by Height5'7"
CreatedDec24/08 01:31:51Weight150lb
ModifiedDec24/08 01:31:51EyesPine Green
BirthdayDec5/88HairWhite with black streaks
Western ZodiacsagittariusSpeciesFerret
SexmaleFur Colour(s)white with black markings
GendermaleFur PatternErratic black icossolese triangles
OrientationheterosexualFur Texturerough satin
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[Y] History
Dimitri's mother and father split up when he was two years old, his custody going to his father Alexi, while his older sister went with his mother Miko.  As he grew he thoroughly enjoyed what little contact he had with his sister, mostly from birthdays spent together as well as summer holidays, brief as they were.  Aspiring to be like his sister led him to achieve scholastically, a bright mind looking forward brought him ahead a grade or two and his naturally closed personality allowed him to simply shrug off the mild contempt of his peers through his schooling.  Looking to follow in his much admired older sister's pawprints led him to medical schooling, started early due to his grade skipping and his father pushing him to achieve great things with his life.  He has recently finished his four year college education, having mostly kept to himself throughout it all, keeping correspondence with his sister since they were, for lack of a better description, fully seperated when Alexi's career took him back to Russia at around Dimitri's twelth birthday, dutiful research led him to this more or less secluded place and he directed his sister here, hoping to arrive before her Dimitri was unfortuonately delayed.
[Y] Interests
Manga and anime,  a mild interest in console gaming, most literature as he began reading young and can finish a small novel in a day of idle reading, writing, sushi, acupuncture/acupressure
[Y] Dislikes
Borsht, physical confrontations, bullying, being cold and wet at the same time or just cold.
[Y] About

Dimitri is pretty easy to please being that he mostly doesn't care about what's going on this ferret can most often be found reading or re-reading one of his many books be they texts on medecine, manga or a gas station novel.  He never really took to any kind of religion and was simply too young and much too shy to have chased after femmes during his schooling, he mostly just goes along with whatever happens to come his way, happily being pushed by life to an unknown destination, as this is the case it shouldn't be any real suprise that he's not a very opinionated fur.  Dimitri is straight for reasons which he's not about to go into in detail on a whim, suffice it to say he's not at his most comfortable when covered in another male being cuddly, though with his experience being null with femmes, he's rather nervous in the same situation with a female. 

 This ferret stands short at only 5'7" and is fairly light for a male, though his extra-curricular activities in college including the small kendo club and the small arms range team helped him stay lean and trim, almost no fat on his small frame.  His usual garb includes tan coloured slacks and a white clip button up shirt though his absentmindedness usually has the buttons either mixed up or not more than half done up and hanging out loosely, the sleeves almost always rolled up to the elbows showing more the unique markings on his slender arms.  He moves more or less slowly and deliberately, a habit earned through much pain while trying to read and walk about at the same time, though because of that his spacial awareness is quite good lending to his ability to simply navigate without thought or really paying attention.

A policy against fighting not withstanding, this ferret carries couple of tazers about his person as well as a few throwing spikes and, should the dire need arise Dimitri does carry two GH 18 pistols which were a gift from his father, him having taken a liking to them in college, the pistols are always loaded, most often with the GH 18's custom 9x19 PBP armour pearcing rounds.  When push comes to shove, and it has before for him, he has shown that he has no compunctions about using a display of force to hopefully detter conflict.

[Y] Relationships
His sister Sasha
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green