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[Y] Tweak


Played by Height4"7
CreatedMar31/13 22:39:00Weight160
ModifiedApr12/13 20:47:01Eyesright is blue left is yellow
BirthdayMay5/90Hairsee fur
Western ZodiactaurusSpeciesartic-timber
SexmaleFur Colour(s)black,grey,white.
GendermaleFur Patterndark to light
OrientationbisexualFur Texturevery soft
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[Y] History
Tweak or "Tweaker" as he is sometimes called by those more affectionate towards him  has a long history of wandering and brief friendships with humans and furs alike with his older brother Twitch, though in his younger years more often then not humans were more likley to try and hurt him or use him for work hes yet to find a companion, mate or friend that he hasnt had to abandon at some point making him rather lonely one such incident nearly got him and Twitch killed which was what gave Twitch the massive scar on his muzzle. He attempted to join a pack once but was met only with teeth and claws giving him the criss cross scars on his throat. Twitch once again had to save him, starting to see a pattern here? Hes since learned that while his own kind may not be the best fit for him, other furs seem to take to him more kindlyand Twitch is much more tolerent of them so it seems every one wins.
[Y] Interests
He likes things that are warm and friendly furs. He loves to curl up and snuggle with others. Treats are always welcome too! He loves to nose about indoors and out and pestering Twitch on occasion.
[Y] Dislikes
People who try to hurt him, while he is very friendly he can be protective of those close to them but he is more likely to run from a fight than ever start one. if push comes to shove he will defend himself and others.
[Y] About
Tweak is usually very energetic and random. His over all size and frame can be seen in the link but his actual appearance is as follows. He has a black stripe that runs from the top of his head to his rump, this is bordered by a few inches of grey fur on his sides that goes from shoulders to elbows and back to his haunches his belly and chest are white while his head, paws and the tip of his tail are black as well. He also has a set of white eyebrows and his eyes are different colors. The right being blue and the left yellow. Lastly he has a thick leather collar with the lone word "TWEAK" scratched into a metal name plate that is riveted to the collar. He posses the ability of speech though he rarely uses it. UPDATE: due to a recent "crossing of paths" with a leprechaun (tweak swallowed him whole) He has since gained the ability to teleport short distances. The side effect of this is that he leaves behind a mound of 4 leaf clovers when he does this...
[Y] Relationships
recently adopted by Haku ^^ Twitch-Brother
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green