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[Y] Metho Poisondeath

Metho Poisondeath

Played by Height5'9
CreatedMay8/13 18:34:53Weight118
ModifiedMay8/13 18:34:53EyesBlue
BirthdayHairSnow White
Western ZodiacSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Snow White
GendermaleFur PatternSolid
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureSilk
[Y] History
Son of a Darkfang wolf pack's alpha Methois considered princes among to the pack. Metho lives with his family on the floating continent of Dartain Paw is a vast forest taking up the entire continent called Darkfang forest. Anyone of any species of good nature or just needing help is welcome in the pack's lands.
[Y] Interests
Helping others
Healing and First Aid
[Y] About


Ice/Snow Control

Mental Powers: The ability to feel the emotions of others, he can't turn it off so it's random when it kicks in.
Never works when he wants it to. Through this power he can sometimes effect the emotions of others and cause feelings
to come over then. It's never destructive, he has almost no control over it which could get him in trouble.

Natural Healing powers: Metho has the base power to heal others by will. This power becomes stronger through the learning
of other healing abilities be it through magic or science. If a trust and understanding between Metho and another can
be achieved Metho can focus this power through another allowing this person to heal him. It take a lot out of both sides
as Metho is using his powers to do this as the other person is directing and focusing use of a power signature of a type
not of their gift type. Even to use this on 1 who possesses a gift to heal this will still take a lot out of the person.

Shinigami or Soul Reaper [bleach.wikia.com]: Possesses a sword created from his soul, a Zanpakuto. Metho's Zanpakuto HATES having it's name spoken aloud to ANYONE so Metho is forced to say it's name in such a way none can hear it. The power of the blade is the power to control the very elements of the world by calling on the powers of the 4 light crystals of the world (8 Elemental crystals 4 of light and 4 of dark). In essence the weapon can use the power of the elements to deliver devastating attacks.

Kido [bleach.wikia.com]: Bakudo (Way of Binding)
Hado (Way of Destruction)
Healing (Channels his spirit energy into healing. Can also channel his life force if needed)

White Magic [finalfantasy.wikia.com]: Healing/Healing effect Type (Mastery)

Black Magic [finalfantasy.wikia.com]: Attack/Deferential/Deferential Effect Type (Proficient)

Summon Eidolons [finalfantasy.wikia.com]: A gift given by Bahamut. The ability to Summon creatures of the Esper or Eidolon race <Some call them Phantom Beasts>

Musical Talent: Piano/keyboard

Musical Eidetic Memory: Remembers songs seen or heard

Alchemy [fma.wikia.com]: Ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy.
This act is known as "Transmutation" and its sequence is usually described as:
Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular
material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.
Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as
to be easily reshaped into a new form.
Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape. Always learning)

Alkahestry [fma.wikia.com]: Centered on a concept called the Dragon's Pulse which speaks of the Earth
itself having a constant flow of chi (life energy) which flows metaphorically from the tops of mountains down to the land,
nourishing everything it passes with that energy as does blood coursing through the veins. The idea of "Alkahestry" is built
on the practice of fashioning elixirs and therefore, is mainly used for medicinal or healing purposes. Always learning

Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green