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[Y] Darick Centry

Darick Centry

Played by Height
CreatedJun10/13 18:11:34Weight
ModifiedJun13/13 14:08:37EyesRed
Western ZodiacSpeciesMouse
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Sand Brown
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureSilk
[Y] History
Found in the ruins of a village ravaged by hollows at a very young by the Darkfang wolf pack he was adopted by the pack alpha's family. He spent years in the pack's academy no only sharpening his mind but discovering his powers as a Visored Shinigami to protect others from the same fate as his family.
[Y] About

Work in Progress

Name: Darick Centry
Race: Mouse
Body type: Anthro
Orientation: Gay
Height: 4 and 1/2 ft
Weight: 100
Eyes: red
Fur: Sand Brown
Build: Average
Occupation: Student
Power base: Visored Shinigami
Skill: Staff



Visored Abilities:

Mask (15 to 20 seconds before the mask crumbles to dust leaving him VERY weakened)

Increased speed, agility, strength and ability powers (Mask needed)

Cero (Hollow flash attack mask not needed to use)

Zanpakuto Stats

Name: Korinoburando (氷のブラン Icebrand)

Release Command: Freeze all things in your path, Korinoburando

Type: Ice elemental Zanpakuto

Korinoburando Sealed

Like any Zanpakuto in its sealed state Korinoburando looks like regular katana except for the face he’s almost completely snow white.

Shikai (始解, Initial Release): When Darick cries out the release command a blizzard surrounds him and his Zanpakuto releases changing into a large bo staff

Korinoburando Shikai



Kori Nami (Ice Wave): With a swing of his staff Darick can call forth a wave of cold that freezes almost almost anything in its path solid

Bankai (卍解, Final Release): Not achieved


[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green