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[Y] Austin Lapard

Austin Lapard

Played by Height6ft
CreatedJun27/13 16:14:47Weight
ModifiedAug15/13 17:11:29EyesPurple
Western ZodiacSpeciesrubber Salamander
SexgenderlessFur Colour(s)Dark and light blue
GendermaleFur PatternSpotted
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSmooth and glossy
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[Y] About
As of Austins 20th Birthday, he has inherited his late aunts magical powers. How ever this dose not mean that he is any good with them. Like all great magic users he must start at the bottom. Useing the resources left behind by his aunt. Austin so far has learned range of fire spells (Listed bellow under updates) but in order to learn more, he must go out into the world and seek out new knowledge. Maybe one day This Novice mage will be a great and powerfull wizard... maybe...The creature standing before you is a blue salamander by the name of Austin. He acquired his rubber form after being enchanted by his aunt, a power full enchantress who left Austin with all of her earthly possessions upon her passing. This collection is conists of numerous powerfull spell books research notes and assorted other magical tools. The draw back of his enchanting is that when he fall's in love he will be hoplessly devoted to whom ever his heart desires and will be compelled to obey them should they so desire, Provided they do not break his heart of course or show no intereast in him. Anatomy: Being made of rubber dose not essentially mean that has no Vital organs and that is untrue for the most part, he has only the basic of vital organs primarily the lungs, heart Brain and a simplified Digestive track. Heart: This muscle dose exactly as a normal one would, instead of blood though his heart carries liquid rubber that carries oxygen to every rubberized cell in his body this liquid rubber is also responsible for reforming lost tissue and limbs. Digestive system: His stumach and intestines work to break down food and convert it into usable rubberized neutriants for his body to function properly. The Brain: Like any other, it controls all the activity in the body even allowing him to control individual cells at will. How ever if his head is seperated from his body, his body goes to a dormant state his head how ever continues to function but must be reunited with his body eventually. Lungs: His lungs serve only to retriev oxygen, his body and any severed limb can last up to 3 days without oxygen how ever if restricted of oxygen for behind that period he will have to be resesitated. Genetalia: For the most part Austin is genderless, only identifying as male as that was the gender he originated with. He is quite capable of shifting gender and in doing so he develops small breasts to go with the femine equipment. Austin is sterile for the most part, he can produce copius amounts of cum but it is incapable of producing offspring of his own. Not only is he capable of changing gender he is also capable of transforming into objects and people at will though they will have a high gloss finish.He lives in his aunts rickety old tower all alone with her books and tools, the tower itself is actually protected by a spirit to prevent intruders from causing harm. Austin has never seen her himself. Appearance: Austin has a tall thin figure which supports a massive snake like tail. His skin is a dark blue with a light blue underbelly and spots all of which is very glossy the gleaming light reflected off of him accenting his figure. Due to his genderless...ness... he is freely able to roam in the nude though he prefers to wear his mage cloathing. UPDATES:(I redid his profile because ide like him to have a developing story line so from this line forward everything that segnifigantly happens to Austin will be recorded bellow.) Being only a Novice, Austin's ability's to cast magic is limited primarily to fire magic at the momment, but his full range of capabilitys will come about in time. the types of magic he is limited to sit in the 6 basic elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Sol (Light magic) And Flux (Dark magic).Equipment: Austin wears a satchle to carry around an assortment of tools for him to uses on the field. So far Austin has a limited supply of potions prymarily used for healing and generating fire resistance.
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