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[Y] Characters
[Y] Yao Qui

Yao Qui

Played by Height5'o''
CreatedSep15/09 05:03:38Weight95lbs
ModifiedSep19/09 08:38:02EyesOrchid
BirthdayJul12/87HairVery long and elegant, a deep gold color
Western ZodiaccancerSpeciesCatgirl
SexFemaleFur Colour(s)The main color is a very pale yellow, sort of gold, and has highlights and accents of white
GenderFemaleFur PatternHer fur is plain, It is mostly solid, other than her eat-tips, tail-tip, and paws
OrientationWhatever her master wishes her to beFur TextureIt is like velvet, really, so soft that it flows almost like water when you touch it.
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[Y] History

In a duel of warriors, her master won her heart. She was originally offered with dalary by her father to the highest bidder. But she struck out and said no man may claim me unless he can balance my skills in the art of combat. A male who saw her and become enchanted by her beauty became her challenger. And in a glorius fight that only came to his win because she was worn out. He took her hand and held her to her oath.

[Y] Interests

Yao Qui doesn't exactly have time to have interests. She is a slave, after all, and is under the service of her master no matter what he wants her to do or like. And so, I suppose that serving Krey would be an interest. Even when he may be cruel or brutal, she still, for lack of a better term, loves him, and would want nothing other than to please him.

Other than that, she really does love butterflies and kittens and flowers. Pretty things, natural things. Things that are free. But don't think that she is completely soft and innocent. She is a swordswoman, through and through, and shall always have that intense fire.

[Y] Dislikes

When her Master is displeased or angry or upset, or is being an asshole in general.

[Y] About

She is a very gentle, soft kind of slave who wouldn't disobey, wouldn't want to. She seems to be happy, for the most part, with the life she lives under his servitude, as long as she is allowed to touch and use a sword.

She isn't a disobediant slave, really, but can at times be difficult. Her alpha-female personality can sometimes cause her to tease Krey, sometimes just to get him to be 'rough with her.' All in good fun, though.

[Y] Relationships

Mates: None

Slaves: None

Masters: Krey

Past: None

Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green