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[Y] Characters
[Y] mendel


Played by Height5'11"
CreatedOct14/13 02:37:13Weight150
ModifiedOct14/13 23:34:16Eyesbright purple
BirthdayHairlong normally black
AgeNationalityNA lab made
Western ZodiacSpecieshybrid wolf/ancient draconic reptile
SexmaleFur Colour(s)NA changeable
GendermaleFur PatternNA changeable
OrientationbisexualFur Texturesoft and sleek
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[Y] History

mendels first memories are of tubes and wires his whole world was contained insideinside of his growing chamber which was made of glass so thick and durable that not even a high caliber explosive round would be able to scratch the surface. though through all that mendel could feel a pressence occassionally. before long images apeared before him then voices. eventually he was able to understand and comprehend faster and faster until it got to the point that those images weren't just they were equations skematics blueprints and even literature. soon after this realization mendels world was opened and he fell out week and panicked he tryed to crawl away from those "things in white"  they suround him and he lunges out and bites a hand not knowing what would happen. within seconds the scientist dies.  soon after mendel is taken and poked proded taught and fed for years enduring heavy training, reflex tests, hand to hand combat , piloting,etc in order to make the next step of super soldiers. mendel is 1 of 10 succesful units created his creation number is 0720 hense his name and is currently posted on earth as a highgrade weapon in lamest terms.

[Y] Interests

mendel enjoys many things but one of his favorite things to do is to solve puzzles more specifically three dimentional puzzles of the near impossible variety. otherwise his interests include swimming,  free running, cooking, and tunning/sharpening himself and his weapons. 

[Y] Dislikes
Mainly being lied to. As well as pompus behavior.
[Y] About
Mendel is a prized genetically engineered super soldier grown in a lab. His creation was the result of trying to combine mamal dna with ancient reptilian ,possibly alien genetic material. In order for this to be possible the scientists involved had to replace the carbon skeleton of the mamal dna with a silicon one. This of cours makes mendel a little more dureable and heat proof. His fur uppon closer inspection is actually hundreds of thousands of modified clear crystaline scales with interchangeable protiens for color and pattern changes like a cameleon. Unfortunately mendel doesn't change his fur color often due to the fact that the change causes imense pain, the bigger the difference in color the more pain it causes. As well with the scales the reptile genetics gave mendel retractable fangs and neuro-toxin that makes a vipers bite seem like a flea bite in comparison. The final mutation and strangest affect which suggests alien genetics is mendels heat gland which allows him to project massive amounts of heat through the palms of his hands. Mendels weapons of choice are his two MagSec4 semi-auto pistols with interchangeable bullets armor peircing, hollowpoints, explosive , ricochet, and thermite rounds. And his secondary weapon is a plasma blade of two feet in length.
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green