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[Y] Dominic Forestrunner

Dominic Forestrunner

Played by Height5' 10
CreatedAug31/08 04:38:38Weight
ModifiedAug31/08 04:38:38EyesBlue
Western ZodiacaquariusSpeciesArctic Wolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White
GendermaleFur PatternSingle Color
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSmooth
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[Y] History
Dominic has been my primary fursona for years now and he basically just came about as what I would picture myself as if I could be a furry.  He's a white furred arctic wolf who I sometimes play as a city fur but is usually a tribal shaman as long as it makes sense in the rp.
[Y] Interests
Dominic likes to relax and have some fun with friends, he also likes to meet up with gorgeous female furries and have a bit of fun behind closed doors, or right in town square, anywhere really.
[Y] Dislikes
Snooty people who think they're smarter than everyone.
[Y] Relationships
No relationships presently, just got back from an involuntary break from furriness.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green