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[Y] Characters
[Y] Pyralspite


Played by HeightUnknown
CreatedDec20/13 21:38:35WeightUnknown
ModifiedDec20/13 21:38:35EyesRed
Western ZodiacSpeciesLusūs naturae
SexNoneFur Colour(s)
GenderFur Pattern
OrientationI'll fucking eat you before anything else happensFur TextureScales
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[Y] History
Pyralspite is the lusus of the Pyrope family, it's duty is to protect them, and attack any aggressors with extreme prejudice. No exact weight nor height has ever been taken, but Pyralspite is larger than a pirate warship and has been known to destroy buldings when perching on them. The dragon's eyes are so bright, and flames so hot, legends say it devoured a dying star, and captured it's light. The only measurement that has ever been made on the beast is it's wingspan of 300 feet from tip to tip.
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