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[Y] Amber


Played by Height5,5
CreatedApr18/14 18:01:55Weight162
ModifiedApr18/14 18:01:55Eyeshazel
Western ZodiactaurusSpeciesfox
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)yellow
GenderhermFur Pattern
OrientationhomosexualFur Texturesoft
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History
my character came from a fox god and a common fox.The foxes fur was golden and fell in love with the common fox as did the common fox. They could not be together for the common fox's parents kept them apart. But their love was astonishing and they were abel to get the trust of her parents. the got married and setteled down and twoyears later they had a chiled. they named her amber as the color of her fur.
[Y] Interests

anything that my partners or  freinds like im up for about anything


[Y] Dislikes
people that have no backbone
[Y] About
my character is a blonde fox. she is not know for much other than pleasing those around her in any way shape or form, she is more of a sub than a dom. she loves to have loveing people around her.
[Y] Relationships
no i don t have any masters or slaves. at least not yet. i plan to have a few masters and no slaves
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green
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Hiro Yumasaki