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[Y] Inari


Played by Height4'11"
CreatedFeb27/14 10:49:41Weight100 lbs
ModifiedFeb27/14 11:06:24EyesEmerald Green
BirthdayHairDeep Auburn
AgeNationalityFantasy world
Western ZodiacSpeciesKitsune (Red fox)
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Cinnamon, chocolate, black, cream
GenderfemaleFur PatternRed fox
OrientationPansexualFur TextureLush, medium length, silky
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[Y] History

-(Birthplace and Childhood)-Inari does not remember where she was born, nor where she is from. As a baby, she was taken in by a mysterious Kivaht male until she grew into a young child in control of her form change magic. He warned her to stay as a human, and then he disappeared off into a nearby forest, never to be seen again. Inari was approximately two years old at the time, though at that age Kivaht kits are much more capable than their human counterparts.

Inari grew up as an urchin on the streets, cleverly stealing and tricking others for money and food, living in poverty and sheltered by abandoned buildings. She never showed anyone her Kivaht form for fear of persecution, especially when she saw how a traveling Brigalian adventurer was treated. He was scorned, turned away from Inns, and attacked on the streets until he was driven out. Inari watched all this with wide eyes and an absorbent memory.

When she came of age, her human form mimicked those women her age with beautiful bodies, and she was quickly noticed by others around her. Discovering that she could make plenty of money for food and shelter, she offered up her illusory body and has made a living by stealing and becoming a companion for others since then. However, as she grew older, she longed for adventure and a way to harness the magical powers she began to exhibit as a young teen onwards.

-(Family)-She does not remember her family, nor why she was given away; she does have vague memories of the male Kivaht who helped her to survive as a kit but she does not feel that she owes him any special sentiment. Inari does not care to find her family at all, and indeed embraces her lack of attachment to anyone as a form of true freedom.

-(Love/sex life)-Inari has not had any romantic attachment to anyone, likely because she is so mistrustful. Perhaps with a lot of respect, trust, and friendship with the right person, Inari could find true love--but she is not looking for it, and often scorns it for the lack of freedom it can cause.

Her sex life is a different story. She has had many lovers, and finds it exciting when she finds someone who is as good in bed as she is. Inari has no qualms about sleeping with either gender, or with anyone of different humanoid races. She can easily sleep with someone and have absolutely no romantic or friendly attachment to them, but if they’re good in bed, she might come back for more at some point.

[Y] Interests
-(Hobbies)-Inari loves to collect trinkets and treasures, especially those having to do with the Old World before their time. The jewelry she wears is collected from others, stolen, bought, or found randomly somewhere. She has no memoirs from her family--she prefers not to be burdened with the memories.
[Y] About
-(General temperament) Inari is always donning a human form at all times, due to her living in a mostly human environment. Because of Kivahts’ naturally tricky natures, they are not trusted by humans, who refuse to look past their attitude to see the genuine loyalness residing deep inside them. Because of this, Inari is dubious of others at the core. Outwardly, though, she is charming, helpful, sweet, and kind, and willing to do favors for others. She is extremely free-spirited, and, as some would call it, promiscuous. Inari doesn’t see why humans are so prude, however, and shrugs off the comments about her sexual endeavors. Underlying her cute, if somewhat quirky, attitude, resides the true Kivaht nature of a trickster. To make her living, she has become adept at lying through her teeth and flattering people just to pickpocket their money and make away with it, with them never have been the wiser. She delights in stealing valuables and framing others for the crime to keep her name untarnished, seeing as she only has one human disguise and cannot afford to have the entire town out to throw her in prison. She also has a dangerous streak; cross her and make her angry enough, and she will seduce you only to put a knife through your heart, leaving your corpse for others to find naked and bled dry in the morning. Inari also offers up her services as a woman companion to anyone who pays well enough, and uses her wit and skill as a nimble and charismatic thief to make sure they’ve paid exactly as much as she wants them to. She has a keen sense of adventure and will sometimes flirt with danger, though her silver tongue and feminine beauty always manage to get her through. She keeps her magic hidden away from most people, though, seeing as common folk are mistrustful of things they do not understand. She owns a small stray fox kitling who acts as a pet, but is truly her sorceress’s familiar and is far more intelligent than he looks. -(Beliefs and goals) She has no true deity, but sometimes questions whether or not one exists. In other words, Inari is an Agnostic. She believes that the strongest or most clever are the ones who make it through life, and that nothing is fair. However, this hasn’t made Inari truly bitter, per se, but she approaches life’s problems with a level head and a realistic view. Her goal in life isn’t specific, but she wants to see and do things that nobody else has. She wants to further her magical prowess and accomplish something noteworthy, and be able to be a Kivaht outwardly without others being suspicious of her or negative about her abilities. Inari is also exceedingly curious about the Old World, and is fascinated by any objects that crop up from those technological times. She seeks to use their powers for herself, somehow, and make her magic more powerful through their use. -(Behavior in different environments)-Around strangers, Inari is sweet, charming, and very generic. She flatters all whilst cutting their purses simultaneously. She is also open about her needs for certain types of companionship, and though Inari gives the illusion that she holds affection for someone, it is often not the case--meaning she has left a string of broken hearts behind. Around acquaintances or people she truly likes, she lets go a little and has an actual sense of humor and wit. She will make sarcastic or witty remarks, tease them, and let her cheeky, tricky nature show through a bit more than usual. The facade of innocence is partially unveiled to reveal her Kivaht tendencies. In the company of one she has truly come to trust, Inari is fun and laughs often, and will let down her mirage to allow her true Kivaht form to shine through. She is very loyal to this person and will never, ever steal from them or tell them a direct lie. Inari will go out of her way to make sure this person stays out of danger. However, Inari still has reservations when speaking about herself--in fact, to others, her entire history may always remain a quiet mystery. That being said, Inari is extremely closed off to making close friends as of right now. Any break in her trust is likely to make her vengeful towards another. She likely will not forgive for a very long time, either. -(Expressions of extreme emotion)-Inari almost never allows her true emotions to show through in dire situations. She will mask her anger with charm, only to slit that person’s throat later in the night. She will mask her excitement or happiness with a calm, smiling face so that others cannot take advantage of this and bring her hopes toppling down. It is often very difficult to figure out exactly what she is feeling, because she never allows even her closest friends to see the full picture. If one were to see her as she truly was, though, they would see the obvious Fey bloodlines running through her veins, and the mirth, happiness, and vengeful spirit that is held within her. -(Strengths)-She hides her true intentions so carefully that it is difficult to tell how she is feeling. This helps Inari trick others or protect herself. She is also extremely persuasive, beautiful, and charming, which has gotten her out of a lot of bad situations. Her magic is also useful in this respect, and is an extension of her personality--illusions, charms, and enchantments help to lull others into doing her bidding or set up an escape for her. Because of her life on the streets and mistrust of others, Inari is also very good at lying and using her charms and wit to get out of situations. Her sarcastic and witty nature keep up her own morale when things look down. -(Weaknesses)-Inari is physically weak, though nimble. Her magic is also naturally occurring and is barely containable as of now; with a bit of experience, however, this may change. Personality-wise, if she finds the right person and connects with them, her loyalty to them can be her undoing. Though she prefers not to admit it, she cherishes true friendships deeply. Inari would likely do most anything for that person, even if it is detrimental to her own self. This has yet to happen, however. Inari is also very vain when it comes to her own appearance. Any insults to her, even if they’re likely not true or simply to insult her, she becomes very affronted--especially since the source of their insults is directed at her illusory magic that they know nothing about. She grows extremely envious of other womens’ wealth and wishes she could have finery like jewelry and dresses. Inari is also very much a loner, despite her many nights warming the bed of another. She trusts nobody but herself and doesn’t like when others get in the way of something she wants. Lastly, Inari’s wish for power is innocent enough now, but perhaps later, it will become something of a problem if it isn’t handled.
[Y] Relationships
-(Family)-She does not remember her family, nor why she was given away; she does have vague memories of the male Kivaht who helped her to survive as a kit but she does not feel that she owes him any special sentiment. Inari does not care to find her family at all, and indeed embraces her lack of attachment to anyone as a form of true freedom. -(Love/sex life)-Inari has not had any romantic attachment to anyone, likely because she is so mistrustful. Perhaps with a lot of respect, trust, and friendship with the right person, Inari could find true love--but she is not looking for it, and often scorns it for the lack of freedom it can cause. Her sex life is a different story. She has had many lovers, and finds it exciting when she finds someone who is as good in bed as she is. Inari has no qualms about sleeping with either gender, or with anyone of different humanoid races. She can easily sleep with someone and have absolutely no romantic or friendly attachment to them, but if they’re good in bed, she might come back for more at some point.
[Y] Fetishes
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