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[Y] Characters
[Y] Zantari Graves

Zantari Graves

Played by Height8'6"
CreatedNov17/08 03:58:02Weight567 lb.
ModifiedApr24/09 12:28:25EyesAmethyst
Western ZodiacSpeciesDragon
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Blood Ruby, Fire Topaz
GendermaleFur PatternScales
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSmooth
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[Y] About

[My most recent self description]

Once again I'm tasked with descriping myself. Of course the true task is to seporate my ego from my writing. I've grown since last I wrote of myself, and having reached a height of eight and a half feet and a weight of near six hundred pounds I looking more imposing every year. My scales have darkened in recent years and turned a much darker shade of red while my belly has brightened to a orange much like the setting sun. My hair too has shifted to a darker color, the blue so dark it's begining to look black. However my amethyst eyes remain the same, bright and without iris or pupil. My horns and claw remain black but they have lost some of thier shine and turning more towards a jet black in place of the shiny onyx they were. My teeth on the other hand are greater in number and nearly double rowed and very very stark white. I've noticed I'm looking far less like a martial artist and more and more like a massive brute, though my muscle mass has not becone so large at in impare my flexability or agility. If anything I'm faster as well as stronger then I've ever been and each passing day I'm getting that much more precise in my training. I'll end my writing here before I drone off on topics best saved for other times.

[An out of date description]

In the room before you is a dragon that seems unusual even among his only kind and family. His body is hugely muscled, a thing of majesty in and of itself but he also moves with the easy graces and fluid motions of a trained assassin. Scales of ruby brilliance coat most of his body with flaming topaz orange on his belly, showing clear as the morning sun why he is known as the gemstone dragon. In stark contrast to his body is his onyx claws and horn, dark as a moonless night sky. For just a moment his amethyst gaze looks at you, a fire set deep in his polished eyes burns bright like the finest gem. Sapphire hair hangs down his back to his waist, either braids or bound in silver rings decorated with carvings of roses, much like the three matching bands on his horns. Wings stop any shirt or coat from being worn unless they are magically retracted. Finally his greatest treasure, a thick band of silver, is worn upon his ring finger. At its crest, sits a spherical black gem, with emerald green grid work scrolling under its surface. Embedded in the band is a number of LEDs with unknown purpose. This gift was one of love and hope, from his wife Thumpie Bunny Eve. This token of her affections bears a powerful purpose beyond simple aesthetics, or even the pledge of her love. The ring possesses a power to grant one wish, daily. A powerful present indeed, though not given without foresight. In her wisdom, his mate provided onto him, the opportunity for great power, tempered by the virtue of great morality. Concisely, the ring will refuse to grant a wish that in any way was made in ill judgment, or would have had negative impact on another life form, inadvertently or otherwise. To this effect, Zantari's ring often entirely denies his requests, whilst expending its charge for that day. It is said, when a plea is made from the purity of his heart, with the power of love, his wish will become truth. But of course, the words of wizards are never quite clear...

[Any even older description]

I write this now in an effort to see that my life is properly chronicled. In my time I have been through much though many of my adventures have been forgotten. To make the fractured bits of memory I have left seem more real I'm starting to record these fleeting nodes of thought as they come to me. Now I'm sure by now you are wondering who I am. My name is Zantari Graves

Now that you know my name I'm sure you are wondering about my physical appearance. I'm an anthropomorphic dragon that stands eight feet and three inches in height with five hundred twelve pounds of weight. While most dragons are elementally aligned and basic or metallic in color I am not. I am very much set apart by the fact I am mana aligned and taking my colors from gemstones. Those knowledgeable in dragon lore may think this document false but I encourage you to keep and open mind and continue reading.

I will now describe my coloration before I explain better my shape. Horns and claws are the shining blacks of polished onyx while in contrast my teeth of a nice ivory white. While these colors might not sound odd on paper, the shimmer and shine on the surface of them in the right light is something that much be seen to be understood. My hair is a semi translucent, pale blue sapphire color, one that captures like and seems to have a glow to the tips of it; much like fiber optics. Purple eyes of amethyst view the world with all the understanding I can muster, though the fact they are all one color with no detectable iris or purple make then unsettling to some. Ruby red scales cover the majority of my body while topaz orange colors my belly and lastly exposed flesh and sexual flesh are of the same color as my eyes.

Now that you know the colors you must be curious about my form. As stated before I am an anthropomorphic dragon. For those who aren’t familiar with that term it means I have a humanoid shape. Walking upright and opposable thumbs are traits shared with other intelligent races, but slightly digigrade legs set are apart. Broad shoulders and large pectoral muscles show my warrior training, though the toning and the sleek structure of the muscling on me speaks of my martial arts training, though it extraordinarily rare to see martial arts muscling in such bulk. Wing of roughly twenty five feet and a nice full inch claw length speak well for my ancestry. Horns are a good foot long and my head shape is the same of a feral dragon; but with slight restructuring to the back of the head to fit the shorter neck and a change in the jaw and lips to make speech possible; even if it does come out a bit slurred none the less. My tail only has about a foot of drag but then it's rarely noticed since I don't let my tail drag unless extremely tired. All things considered I'm a rather fine specimen of my species.

This Bit of poetry came to me while writing a story and I felt this was a nice place to place it as well.

I'm a monster, a demon. These red scales aren't the color of roses and love but the color of blood that for years showered my body. My chest is not the color of the rising sun but rather the flames I had used to destroy the world around me. Claws and horns are not a beautifully calm moonless night but the darkness of my soul with hair that shines with the lightening I rain down upon my prey. I'm a beast even if I might be found a frighteningly hansom one.

Pictures of me: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zantari/

[Y] Relationships
Wife: Thumpie Bunny Eve
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green