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[Y] Characters
[Y] Dylan


Played by Height5foot 1
CreatedOct8/13 14:55:14Weight140lbs
ModifiedOct8/13 15:47:16Eyesblue
BirthdayOct8/95Hairslightly darker yellow
Western ZodiaclibraSpeciesCat
SexmaleFur Colour(s)yellow
GendermaleFur Patternnone
OrientationhomosexualFur Textureshort, fuzzy
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History
Dylan was born in a little town where not many people lived. He had many females in his life, but he felt they didnt fully fill his love void. He knew he liked female clothing and wearing jewelry. He was a small cat who had a very feminine shape. At the age of 15, he figured out he didnt like females, he liked males. He began to wear wemons clothing and felt that doing just that was him. He is shy around new faces. He likes to "play" with other furries. He is currently a virgin with no sexual encounters.
[Y] Interests
Dylan absolubtly LOVES his butt to be played with. Wether it is tickling, squeezing, groping, fondling, or any of the sorts, he gets turned on by it.
[Y] Dislikes
When Dylan spots a mascular furry, his interests climb. He is attracted to masculine furrys.
[Y] About

Here is a picture of him. He is the yellow feline.


[Y] Relationships
He wishes to get into a relationship, but has not come across on yet.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green
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