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[Y] Thomas Gavdoff Boomere

Thomas Gavdoff Boomere

Played by Height6ft 9inces = 206cm
CreatedJan8/09 09:09:27Weight20stone = 208lbs = 127kg
ModifiedJan8/09 10:07:14EyesSilver Green
BirthdayNov16/77HairDark Brown w Black Streaks
Western ZodiacscorpioSpeciesMacropodidae Pteronura
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Black Patches Over Brown
GendermaleFur PatternTufty
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSoft Smooshy n Slinky
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[Y] Interests

Music to chill to: Anything Mr Scruff, Klute, Commix, Bukem, Mike Oldfield

Music to break things to: Most stuff Noisia, John B, Acetate, Nosrac

Used to be a Met'ler got into Electronica late 80s early 90s and now is major DnB freak :)

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[Y] Dislikes
The annoying little things that go wrong in life! ={[O.o]}=
[Y] About

He is an Xtreme Dude, DJ, Party Animal, Hedonist, Guru, Mentor, Technophile, Futurist.........

Has a very sensible and philosophical mindset, quite often claims not to be sleeping but meditating, knowing fullwell that snoring cant be passsed off as a chant :(

Methodical in process, technically minded and ingeneous, he can make almost anything from nothing, though ocassionally the opposite is true :)

Regularily has a purile, child like sense of humour and a fascination for the obscure or unusual, bucking popular trends for a more beaten track approach. 

He tries strives to be happy go lucky and carefree so is generally chilled, easy going and takes a lot to anger him but when pushed to extremes he will snap and go beserk as his were side is unleashed.

 A crazy wind can bellow from has subconcious and he will need to break things!!!

[Y] Relationships

He is incredibly friendly always up for a laugh and is always fun to be around.

But is a helpless nymphroromantic becomming easily infatuated with the opposite sex.

Is never phased, always up for anything and will never say no to new ideas or suggestions, so whisper them in my ear fur some fun :)

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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green