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[Y] Waza


Played by Height7' 2"
CreatedNov28/08 14:40:28Weight239 lbs
ModifiedNov28/08 14:40:28EyesLight blue
BirthdayJul3/89HairDark blue
Western ZodiaccancerSpeciesDragon
SexmaleFur Colour(s)saphire and gold
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationheterosexualFur Texturescales
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[Y] History
Waza was once a human mutated in a freak accident while touring a DNA splice lab, when the reactor that powered the lab melted down causing him and thousands of others to be affliced, he can use magic bt only with the stabilizers he has implated into his back and the focusing gems on his neck, he is a tech genius of sorts and lives off his makings as an inventor. Another thing that happened that was relized after the fact was that he was infused with the spirit of the DNA of the dragon e was fused with. this is the normal embodiment of myself IRL.
[Y] Interests
He is interested in most items technoligically inclined but not a technophile, even before the mutation he had a high reknown for dracophilia and an interest in incest along with a few other items.
[Y] Dislikes
He hates being bossed around and tends to rebel against those who do so constantly, he does not like afew other thinks the sight of blod spray makes him squeamish as does the sight of fecal matter.
[Y] About
An odd fellow to say the least most of his associates and friends label him as chivalrious but eccentric,even withhis intelligence he has his moronic moments.
[Y] Relationships
Waza has a few close rfiends but masters or slaves, none are of notable mention but he, is somewhat anti socail due to bit of a jerkish and smartass like personality.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green