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[Y] Zern Wreck

Zern Wreck

Played by HeightCan stand up to 8 inches.
CreatedApr19/13 13:57:38Weight4 pounds
ModifiedApr19/13 13:57:38EyesMetalic (depends on diet)
Western ZodiacSpeciesXinurec
SexAsexual/FemaleFur Colour(s)Mostly greens and metallic colors dependent on diet.
GenderMale/FemaleFur PatternSleek, banded, light wings with mottled greens.
OrientationFur TextureScally
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[Y] History

A D'ni writer sought to have a biological method of producing the Ink used in writing worlds, so he wrote a world with the contitions neccessary to produce it. On this heavy dark world grew many creatures with Ink dependant biology providing them unique dimensional and spacial abilities. He eventually found an algea that produced the Ink as waste and returned home, destroying the Linking Book after he confirmed that the Ink they produced would work. Unknown to him, he brought back another passanger, a winged reptile-like Xinurec, opening up its concept of dimensions beyond its homeworld and pocket dimension.

The Xinurec was only capable of saying two 'words' at first, Zern Wreck. This soon became its name as it helped the D'ni through his many explorations to other worlds. Zern remembers them all, learning, and studying. Zern eventually left the D'ni for other adventures.

Realizing that its diet would keep growing larger and larger as it grew, Zern sought the aid of Deities to stop its growth. While a few agreed to help if it aided them

[Y] Relationships
In its thousands of years of travel across many dimensions Zern has formed relationships with all kinds of people. Often it will form strong bonds that last the entire time they are together, typically many years, but may spontaneously leave if something else interesting comes along. Zern tends to temporarily latch onto interesting people, particularly those who are involved (or will soon be involved) in adventure. Prefers to pick someone it can protect and aid in their own adventure rather than going on its own adventures.
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green