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[Y] 'Kitty' eMouse

'Kitty' eMouse

Played by Height1.3 Inches to 4'2"
CreatedApr3/13 14:00:26Weight30 grams to 60 lbs
ModifiedApr19/13 12:31:51EyesBlue
Western ZodiacSpecieseMouse
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Mostly black, grey/brown, and some white.
GenderfemaleFur PatternWhite front, black and grey/brown back and body. Black mask, sleeves, ears, stockings, and small of the back.
OrientationHermosexualFur TextureThin short fur.
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[Y] History

Prior to the Gene War the Korean Electrical Engineering Corps took up in the trend of bioengineering slaves suited perfectly to their duties. One of their creations was the eMouse, using a latent psionic talent to maintain a their sub-atomic particals in a hyperpositional state they compress their entire atomic structure to be a small fraction of their total weight and size. They are also able to use this to manipulate their own electrical conductivity, safely allowing electricity to flow through their bodies or resist its passage. They can absorbe this energy, trapping it in their bodies by energizing and uncompressing the hyperpossitional particals causing them to grow to their full size. They can typically hold about two to three times the energy required for full size before they start to take damage from over excitation, heating up and cooking their bodies from the inside. Over time, the energy will leach out, eventually returning them to the default state if they do not recieve more energy. Training can slow this process as well as allow for controled releace of the stored energy into complex electrical displays.

Following the Gene Wars International law placed the EEC in the ownership of the eMice and the other species the Corp had created. Furthermore, the law required that after the age of 16 any created people had to be allowed to leave the Corp at their choice. But given the dangers in the world at large most eMice remain in the EEC family for the entirety of their lives, rarely venturing beyond their compounds without larger 'family members' carrying and guarding them for EEC missions. 

[Y] Interests
Programming, hacking, AI's, robotics, brain-computer interface, GUI/PhUI/NUI design, trust, love, cuddling, being squeezed, riding in/on heads, cleavage, cocks, mouths, hands, shoulders, necks.
Sexually she will do almost anything short of sex itself with anyone who respects her and treats her well, but she will only have sex with herms who she has deep feelings for (or believes she might develop for them).
[Y] Dislikes
Slavery, abuse, humiliation, being stepped on or crushed, shit/anal vore, being swallowed.
[Y] About
Katherine (or Kitty, as she prefers being called) was a loyal member of the EEC who often went on outside missions to repair the electrical systems of military and corporate clients all around the world, and particularly in Seoul. She started learning to build robotic components but found she was more interested in the programming side of AI than in the electrical engineering sides of the project. With all of her exposure to the public she was often the target of pikachu jokes which eventually got to her, causing her to hide away in the EEC compound for two years before finally deciding to leave the Corp at age 22. She acquired an online degree in computer programming with an emphasis on AI modeling and started to take online contract work, through which her clients didn't need to know anything about her looks and treated her like a a normal tall person.
[Y] Relationships
After leaving her 'family' at the EEC Kitty started to examine herself beyond the norms of the 'family.' She realized that she couldn't deeply love someone of only one gender, taking on the sexual identify of Hermosexual. While studying at the AI Institute of Seoul she found and fell in love with Chakat Ppalpong (Hung-jul). They became Lifemates and moved in together on base at each of Ppal's moving military assignments. After moving to Vietnam to support their new government the pair fell in love with the Chinese-American bunny herm Dawping.
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