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[Y] Serena Takezaki

Serena Takezaki

Played by Height7'5
CreatedJun14/13 21:01:40Weight
ModifiedJun14/13 21:01:40EyesSilver
BirthdayHairLong and black
Western ZodiacSpeciesKitsune (Goddess)
SexhermFur Colour(s)Red
GenderhermFur Pattern
OrientationpansexualFur TextureSmooth fur, warm usually, with nine fluffy tails.
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[Y] History
So, where do I begin with my existence, hmm?

Oh, have I not introduced myself?

Very well. The name is Serena Takezaki, God Empress of the Eastern Kaidan Hemisphere. What is Kaida? Well, it's the universe, I inhabit, the plane I "co-rule" with three other entities in this plane of existence, one of which I'll get to... whenever I feel like it. My temple is within the Crimson Bluffs in the Province, and the E.K.H.'s capital, of Kazeda.

I rule Kazeda with a loose authority, and I let Eekaech (a more simpler way of saying E.K.H., I think) have its own free will, letting it do whatever it feels like, as long as they follow a few rules: they don't do things under my name, they don't build any monuments or structures in worship of me, and they don't act unethical for the sake of acting unethical; failure to follow those rules with result in personal disciplinary action, and the severity of the punishment will depend on the severity of the crime; for instance, some while ago, I happened to come across a group of slavers from the Outlands who were transporting slaves to the Outlander empire known as Bimbamazonia; upon coming across them, I skinned their bodies, blessed their screaming carcasses with immortality, and sent them back to Bimbamazonia, to warn their "Queen" that next time they send slavers to deliver any slave to their land, they better not cross my seas, and if they do, they better be ready to face the consequences. As for the
slaves, I took them into my palace, the Red Pensive, showed them the finest hospitality a goddess could afford, and from their own free will, they decided to stay with me as my maids and servants; I have no problem with them, and they have no problem with me. I guess it's one would call me "schtick": I help people, they help me; I discipline people, they know better than to do the same thing next time.

Now anyway, where to begin with my existence? Well, I was originally born around 8000 B.M. (Before Magnus, for those who don't know) in my native Kazeda. My mother, a kitsune named Aurona, was an artist and potter; my father, a wolf named Vilkas, was a preacher of St. Kazeda (for whom this land was named after) and a arena combatant at night (considering the fact he didn't die in the arena, and he made almost as much money my mother did, I would say he was quite successful). As for me, I was interested in books. Lots of books filled my interest, literature of the past and present, fictional and not, books about other existing universes (a world dominated by miniature horses was one of said universes; a world trying to rebuild after what I can now assume was a nuclear war was another), and books dealing with the occult and ruins. My parents liked for me to be close to my home, for they don't want me to be hurt and scarred by the unknown. What they don't know is I love to sneak out at night and explore these so-called "scarring and hurtful" unknown. This would last until I was around 16 years of age when, while I was snooping around the massive Kazedan Forest (now called the Auronan Forest). I stumbled upon (which is code for "fell through a hole hidden with vine and found") a pretty big labyrinth. Not exactly strong to call for help, and way too curious to want to get out, I decided to follow this labyrinth, using "clairvoyance" to find what this labyrinth was housing. And after a few hours (ten to twelve, give or take) of what you would refer to as "dicking about", I found, on a pile of rubble of what was once a pedestal, a small black journal. I opened the journal up, but there were no words, just... symbols. I couldn't put down the journal, something about the symbols refused to let me pull away. Eventually, I came upon the last page, and I saw it. The chant:

Begin again, begin again, for your mortal life is withering.
Begin again, begin again, for your call is awakening.

As soon as I read this phrase aloud, suddenly I couldn't help but chant it nonstop. Suddenly, the journal bursts into flame, dark flames, and it began to cover my body. The sensation was horrifically painful, but I couldn't do anything but chant. And then, the flames sunk into my fur and my flesh, and then the pain somehow worsened; instead of a burning sensation, it was more of a changing sensation, both physically and spiritually. After a few minutes of feeling this pain, I blacked out after managing to let out a scream.

I came to outside of the ruins, palace-like in appearance and massive. I looked around my area, and I soon discovered that

1. I had no clue where I was at, and
2. I've changed.

I think I've understated my previous point, so let me say it again. I changed. Alot. I was once but a mere mortal kitsune who one day decided to explore the lost ruins of the Gothic Varyz; and now I have discovered, through the spirit of the Old Gods masquerading as a worn journal, godhood, both in appearance and in power. I had to rush home and tell my parents all about this, hoping they weren't mad, upset, or horrified by my disappearance. Only... well, when I got to my village- which was a nice, quiet town of humility and kindness- was turned into a grungy slaver shop, and everyone- my friends, the townsfolk, even the people I didn't like much- were being put on display, sold for the highest bidder; all of them looked... older for some strange reason. I was enraged by what was going on, and I decided to put my new abilities to good use. After the bandits have been dealt with, I freed my people, who didn't recognize me at all until I told them my identity; and even then they couldn't remember who I was until they remembered my parents' tombstones in the Forest. Struck with fear and guilt, I rushed to the forest, and found their graves by the entrance. I was broken, and for what seemed like days, I wept at their graves, wailing apology after apology for being so selfish and self-absorbed with my own self-interests. Their spirits eventually came to me in my sorrow and forgave me, and asked only to lead this new land with my new powers.

For the next few thousand years, I forged Kazeda, and eventually the entire Eastern Kaidan Hemisphere, into a proud, all-accepting and ungoverned land of honor, benevolence, and free-spiritness. Then came Magnus. Lord Magnus the Templar was the God of the Western Kaidan Hemisphere, obsessed with nothing but order and the spreading of his definition of "order": absence of free will, all submit to him with no question, militant police scouring every square inch of his land; basically everything that would make an "appropriate" god. He saw my land as something as an anomaly, and sought to sort out said anomaly. I caught wind of their forces coming and, being rash as a young god was (as young as an older god would call me), I met him in his throne room to take him out. It was then I was what you people would call "curbstomped", being pummeled to the last inch of my "lifespan", where Magnus had some "pity" on me and trapped my very essence in a jar filled with the other three gods he has bested in his trophy room. The gods, needing someone to relieve their tension, decided to come after me with their intents as clear as the sky. I managed to best them myself and absorbed their power, but even though I just became essentially the god in this plane of existence, this jar I found out was inescapable unless an outside force opened or broke it. So I meditated, waiting for that one person who wasn't Magnus to come near the jar so I can... coax them. I also found I had no physical form, so I had to ultimately use this person as a vessel.

After 10 years of being stuck in this prison, lamenting my brashness getting the best of me and having to deal with the fact my land has most likely been conquered by the W.K.H., I finally struck luck when a Lieutenant by the name of Samael came into the trophy room as sort of one-man labor group. He was angry with everything he had to put up with since becoming an officer, namely being one of Magnus' whipping boys and castle workhorses. I managed to strike up a conversation with him, and using some of my new skills- as well as coming to his level- I convinced him to use his body as a vessel so I can get back at Magnus and free my land from his control. He broke the jar containing me, and my spirit entered his body; soon my form took over his- with his conscious sharing my head with me- and I was off to find Magnus. I entered the throne room, and it seemed that this technological terror calling himself the God of the Western Kaidan Hemisphere looked like he's seen a ghost. I thrashed him to the point of almost ending his life, and I went off to take my home back. The resistance was very, very, very weak, and in the span of says, the Eastern Kaidan Hemisphere belonged to its rightful owner.

These days, the Eekaede has been prospering well, thanks to its overabundance of priceless resources found, making money practically worthless. I have made sure my land is safe, and also has the means to defend itself when the time comes. There are enemies out there, but none are dull enough to come to my land and start trouble (okay, so there are a few idiots that decide to try something stupid, but I put them in their place with non-harmful means). I gave Samael a new body, and we look to each other as a mother-son sort of way these days.

If you decide to come to the Eekaede, by all means, come and have a wonderful time. But remember one thing and one thing only: if you try to display your dominance over anyone in any way, and I see this as offensive, I will find you personally and deal with you myself.

I am usually seen wearing a black qipao dress with silver fire pattens decorating it, with a silver pair of spandex pants, and wooden sandals. As for my abilities, well, I'm a goddess, arguably the most powerful of my plane. My limitation is my imagination.
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