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[Y] Gale McKraken

Gale McKraken

Played by Height
CreatedJun16/13 18:23:48Weight
ModifiedJun16/13 18:23:48EyesDeep blue pupil, black iris
BirthdayHairCrimson red
Western ZodiacSpeciesChangeling
SexFur Colour(s)
GenderFur Pattern
OrientationpansexualFur Texture
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[Y] History

I am Gale McKraken, Commander of the Crimson Search and Resolve Group. I have been at Serena Takezaki's side since I was saved by her from a slave cruiser en route to the Outland colony of Bimbamazonia. I heard thing- awful things- about that place, what they do to good, mild-mannered people and their leader, a commoner who was warped by them into becoming their demigoddess. It's a good thing Serena came when she did, otherwise... well, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't allow myself to live with them, I would find some way to end my life before I was assigned an owner... but enough about that, then!

I was born on the Outland planet known as Saccaras IX. It's a... well, a remote planet, around a million inhabitants living in secluded tribes, not wanting to deal with anything or anyone in the world. I lived with my mother and sister, who were changelings. I was one myself, and it seemed we were a dying race. Around a hundred thousand changelings lived in Saccaras IX, and they're either living in seclusion like us, or at war to prove... I don't know, something. Me and my family lived a very peaceful, relaxed life, using our omnipotent changeling abilities to further satisfy our needs and wants, not resorting to hurting others unless it was necessary. Our mother had lived for a very long time, and she knew quite a bit about martial arts and the art of war, so she trained me and my sister on her teachings. Though I considered me and my sister excellent students of hers, against a thousand slavers, we weren't exactly a match. One night, a slave cruiser known as Shattered Hope near my home for any good candidates; contrary to what I believed, it seemed they do invade planets and get anyone they could find. They came about my home and attempted to capture me and my family. I managed to kill three of the slavers before becoming incapacitated; my mother and sister killed a couple, but they instead of being captured, they ended up taking their own lives after running back into the house.

I came to in a grungy cell, shackled in electric constraints and nothing to keep me company but the cot I was laying on and the window in my cell, I gazed upon the stars and planets we crossed as I found out and accepted my fate. I really couldn't do anything to break free, and I really didn't know what I'd do if I did... then came screaming. I perked up from my cot when I heard loud thuds and hellish screams of agony coming from the ship. This continued for a good five minutes until it ceased. I was terrified, wondering what the hell could've killed those slavers, who were mind you heavily armored and armed, so effortlessly. Walking through the cell door, then, was Serena Takezaki, who tore those constraints off of me and offered me comfort. After telling my story in her arms, wrapped around one of her incredibly wonderful tails and my sobbing ceasing, she took me to the Red Pensive, where I began to work under her as a member of the Pensive Guard. Years passed, and me and Serena realized that our enemies might be as bold enough as to attack us from within Kazeda. So, I started the Crimson Search and Resolve Group, made up of hundreds of servants, and since the group's inception we've been taking care of Outlander posts mostly; the other hemisphere's aren't exactly dumb enough to make a move against us, but for some reason the Outlanders are.

My appearance is always changing, I am not content on just one form. However, my beige kimono and crimson red hair would be good indicators of where to find me. My skills in war and martial arts have advanced and been refined since my days of being with Serena, and I have knowledge and proficient use in all sorts of weaponry, from the humble knife and sling to the Scarlet Dao and the XMP-50 Magnum Pistol.
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