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[Y] Cassandra Higgs

Cassandra Higgs

Played by Height6' 7"
CreatedNov21/13 00:48:41Weight160lbs
ModifiedNov22/13 17:41:44EyesGreen
Western ZodiacvirgoSpeciesHusky
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Various shades of grey
GenderfemaleFur PatternSalt & Pepper mix
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History

One of Zoey's two daughters, she's had a relatively comfortable life. Cass was born about thirty minutes before Steph, something that she has held over her sister for a long time.

When she was 12, she was introduced to figure skating. She would follow the sport for a year, until she graduated to proper hockey. Since then, she's excelled at it, and is currently playing for a local semi-pro team.

[Y] Interests
While she did gain a love for film from her mother, her main interest has, and will most likely remain, hockey.
[Y] Dislikes
She really doesnt' like drinking, or staying still for any extended period of time.
[Y] About
Cassandra is a large, somewhat muscular woman. She outside of a C-cup chest, her body is tight an hard, something she loves to flaunt.
[Y] Relationships
Outside of family, she doesn't have any.
[Y] Fetishes
    Post Comment
    Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
    Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
    Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
    Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
    Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green