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[Y] El Mapache

El Mapache

Played by Height5' 8"
CreatedAug16/13 23:49:09Weight125 lbs
ModifiedAug16/13 23:49:09Eyesdark brown
BirthdayHairnatural fur
Western ZodiacSpeciesRaccoon
SexmaleFur Colour(s)grey and black
GendermaleFur Patternnatural raccoon
OrientationUnknownFur Texturemedium length
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[Y] History
A mysterious masked luchador who has only recently made his professional debut. Not much is known about the ring-tailed wrestler's personal life, as no one knows who he really is under that mask. What is known, is that El Mapache set out with the goal to prove that sheer size and strength were not the only qualities needed to be a good luchador. He has been spotted attending fundraisers for foster children, small conventions, and even walking the streets of his hometown. So far, he has had mixed success in the ring, with 4 wins, and 3 losses.
[Y] Interests
Mexican food, female wrestlers and fighters, other martial arts, helping children, parkour, stealing and thieving, tag teams, learning new moves, defeating larger fighters.
[Y] Dislikes
Illegal moves, losing his mask, public speaches, losing a match, being forced to submit, having his identity revealed. American wrestlers, Heels, weapons.
[Y] About
Some say he is a retired thief and trickster, who has decided to earn money legitimately, others say he is an overzealous fan, whatever he is, El Mapache is deffinately unique among his wrestling peers. While he loves to put on a show and oozes bravado, he is notably more humble than his competitors, opting to visit schools and homes instead of fancy dinners or press conferences. He moves with extreme agility, often sneaking away to where ever it is that he calls home, back to his normal life.

El Mapache is a slim and trim raccoon and is entered in the lighweight division. El Mapache's costume uses a black and purple color scheme with gold trim. His mask covers the entire upper half of his face, and is decorated with two long bandana-like tails attached to the base of the mask. He also sports a pair of decorative black tights, and large boots with frills. He often enters the ring with a traditional poncho that is dramatically tossed off at the start of the match.
[Y] Relationships
Teekay - A huge fan of lucha libre, however he doesn't show much interestin El Mapache and the two are never in the same place at once
King - EL Mapache's biggest inspiration, he dreams of matching his skill
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green