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[Y] Chipo


Played by Height5'10"
CreatedJan2/14 22:50:36Weight159lbs
ModifiedJan2/14 22:50:36EyesAmber
BirthdayHairlight brown
Western ZodiacSpeciesKinkajou
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)golden brown
GenderfemaleFur Patternnone
OrientationpansexualFur Textureshort
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[Y] History

Not much about Chipo's childhood is known, besides the fact that she was a regular Rosie the Riveter since Secondary School. Her family is distant and scattered, and Chipo was mostly raised by her late grandparents.

 Chipo was arruptly thrown into the real world, and made a living for herself driving destruction derbies and salvaging whatever she could find in local scrapyards and used car dealerships before making her way up to the professional off-roading scene. Her aggresive yet calculating driving style pushed her to join a more extreme, off-the-radar racing division with practically no holds barred and plenty of rewards for the risks. 

Chipo thrived on the track, becoming one of the youngest veteran racers among her peers. Her success quickly earned her rivals, and it was one such rival that would eventually push her into a wreck that nearly cost her her life and permanently destroyed her left eye. Miraculously, Chipo shrugged off the brush with death, learning from it instead. 

She eventually caught eye of a new young racer, very aggressive and cocky, but full of promise Chipo took the novice Wendy Waykayo under her wing, and what started as mentorship became a rivalry, then a friendship, and finally a love affair. 

Chipo now runs her own racing opperations out of her very own garage and mod shop that she shares with Wendy and the rest of her racing team; offering whatever services she can.

[Y] Interests
Fixing cars, Off-roading, American muscle and classic motorcycles, pedicures, soap operas and reality TV, Blues, Wendy's aunt's cooking, sleeping, exotic fruit, designer eyepatches.
[Y] Dislikes
European imports (specifically, Benji's Exige), having one eye, thugish men, Wendy's erractic behavior, insubordinate or cocky rival drivers, small cars, energy drinks.
[Y] About

Chipo is much more refined and mellow than her friend Wendy, rarely saying more than a few words when needed, and more than happy enough to spend a few hours at a club simply sipping drinks at the bar. She has an almost sleepy, world-weary look about her. Despite this, she's not lazy and is quite the busy-body. She tends to be very blunt and direct, but not disrespectful. Showboating does not impress her, and while it takes her a while to warm up to strangers, she is all around a very agreeable person and technical driver.

 Chipo keeps Wendy, as well as the other hot-headed youngsters she knows, under control. Her somewhat butch, punkish style may suggest otherwise, but she enjoys a good day at the salon as much as she does toning her physique at the local gym.

[Y] Relationships

Wendy Waykayo - best friend and lover
Benjamin Marx - Racing Rival and friend
Kamillion - Racing Rival and enemy.

Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green