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[Y] Seamus O'ter

Seamus O'ter

Played by Height5'9"
CreatedSep18/13 22:58:55Weight160
ModifiedOct12/13 10:29:32EyesGreen
Western ZodiacpiscesSpeciesOtter
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Dark brown, golden brown
GendermaleFur Patternottery
OrientationbisexualFur Texturesleek
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[Y] History

Born to a reclusive couple living in the midst of the rolling hills of Ireland, Seamus O'Ter grew up with his only close neighbors, the Bannocks, making best friends in Andrea bannock, who was the same age as he. It was Seamus who discovered the old castle ruins that they took on as their childhood playhouse, and later their teenage retreat. When it came time to go to highschool, Seamus followed Andrea to the city, and moved in with his uncle, who owned a store that specialized in the paranormal and occult. It was during this time he discovered that mage's blood ran through his veins, his entire family being magically gifted with innate sensitivity to the arcane.

His uncle lived in the city as part of a sort of mage's guild, and seamus was trained by hie uncle and the other members of the guild after highschool. After he graduated, his training demanded that he stay and train for two more years, since his age had prevented him from applying runes to his body to focus his potential. During his advanced training he finally applied all the magical theory that he'd learned during highschool, and gained focus runes for healing, destruction, and alteration- basic and general runes that could be specialized later. After he completed his training a year ago, he felt compelled to travel, take in new sights and explore the world. He is in the middle of doing so, and currently taking a break for a few months in the US, to make up for some lost time with his best friend Andrea.

[Y] Dislikes
When his experiments don't pan out, i.e. literally blow up in his face. Chauvinism. Drinking too heavily/ getting drunk. He doesn't respect or appreciate anyone who will drink to forget their problems, and is cautious around people who feel they should drink to have a good time. He carries a general dislike for mages that use their abilities to show off, being overly flashy with their casting, doing magic just to get attention from people, etc.
[Y] About
Often wears an unbuttoned leather trenchcoat, the inside lined with dark blue silk, over white dress shirt and a black waistcoat, with slender canvas pants that fit closely to his thighs but loosely around his calf and shin, and a pair of tough leather boots. The inside of the jacket is lined with pockets, pouches and loops, for holding various potions, scrolls or artifacts. the largest of these is a hammerspace pocket, and holds a library worth of magical tomes and tablets. He doesn't care much for alcohol, but will occasionally enjoy a glass of wine or two with dinner.
[Y] Relationships
Best Friend: Andrea Bannock Childhood Friend: Riley Bannock
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green