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[Y] Saraphine Lucell (wip)

Saraphine Lucell (wip)

Played by HeightBetween 4' and 5'6"
CreatedJan15/14 12:29:28Weight~140lb
ModifiedJan15/14 12:29:28EyesGlowing Blue
Western ZodiaccancerSpeciesSlime Girl
SexSlimeFur Colour(s)Indigo
GenderfemaleFur PatternSlick
OrientationhomosexualFur TextureGooey/Slimy
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[Y] History

A sicence expiriment's unexpected results, the material was supposed to be a dietary suppliment, but something went wrong and the goo became sentient, the shadow faced corporate pupeteers ordered it destroyed for safety reasons, but one idialistic employee couldn't bring himself to do it. He falsified the destruction of the new life form, by torching a different non-viable batch of the suppliment prototype, and smuggling her out of the facility.

 She wasn't particularly conscious for this, her consciousness still forming in her non-neutonian early self. The first time she "opened her eyes" and their soft blue glow came through her indigo face, the first thing she saw was the label on the jar she'd been forming in, "Saraphine Lucell", she took it as her name, when her rescuer asked if she had one. "Saraphine Lucell" was the project name of the dietary suppliment, tankfully the company had come up with a different name for the finished product when it came time to put it on the shelf. But the name suited the indigo slime.

Saraphine spent the next few years with the scientist, who taught her things about the world, but he never let her leave his house. He was posseive, and protective of her, he was worried that the company would see her and recognize her. The chances were low, but he was a little paranoid nonetheless. She finally got tired of it and escaped, she almost immediately got picked up by the company, they took her into a lab and ran many tests on her, they did not recognize her as a failed version of their dietary suppliment at first, but when they found their company's genetic signature, they were ordered to have her purged and to track down the scietist that rescued her.

She escaped again, however, one of the guards was careless about her restraints, and she fled, never looking back, the guard, trying to cover his own ass filled her container with jello to tray and weasel out of it, hoping no one would suspect.  She never learned about ahything else that happened after she fled, but she was too scared to go back and try to help the scientist who rescued her, and she still feels guilty about it. She wandered for a while, going back to the scientist's house just so she'd have a place to live, though it brought back painfull memories.

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