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[Y] Apherizel (WIP)

Apherizel (WIP)

Played by Height6' 0"
CreatedSep21/13 01:47:54Weight175 lbs
ModifiedSep21/13 01:47:54EyesSilver
BirthdayHairBlack, silver at the temples
Western ZodiacSpeciesAngel, Fallen
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Black with silver
GendermaleFur PatternSolid, wings fade to silver
OrientationbisexualFur TextureFine, Feathered wings
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[Y] History
Forged in the heart of a star at the beginning of time like all his celestial bretheren, Apherizel witnessed the Celestial Schism, and, along with many other angels, played for the "wrong" team, and became one of the Fallen. Branded and outcast, the Fallen fled the higher plains, most fleeing as far as the Lower Plains and abandoning their Celestial nature in favor of the Abyssal, their Angelic mantles discarded, they quickly joined the ranks of the Daemons. Apherizel did not succumb to such temptation. Though he had sided with the Lightbringer during the Schism, he still cared for the Mortal Plain, and remained there while the other Fallen continued to fall, following the Lightbringer in his decent, driven by rage self loathing, the Lightbringer wanted to destroy all he'd been, and many of the other Fallen simply folloed blindly. Few kept the traces of their Celestial Bloodline, the Fallen like Apherizel reside on the Mortal Plain, and are often hunted by the Full Celestials, some abandoned their immortality, to live among mortals without fear of prosecution or pursuit from higher powers, though their Celstial blood gave way to the first magic users. Those that continued past the Mortal Plain and down to the Lower Plain without abandoning their Angelic Mantle became Abyssal Angels, these were some of the strongest of willed Fallen, and they became some of the strongest non-Daemonic entities in the Lower Plain. The Fallen that could not resist the Abyss had their Mantles tarnished, damaged or consumed became full Daemons, their bodies twisted into hideous forms, taken into service under the Seven Lords of Vices. The Lightbringer himself destroyed everything that he was and reached the Heart of the Abyssal Plain, a pit of endless, insatiable destruction. His will was so great that he reforged himself there, drawing from the vat of Darkness at the Heart's core, the Mantle of Lightbringer was reformed into the Mantle of the Daemon Prince as he stepped from the Heart of the Abyss. Apherizel witnessed none of this, for he had been teaching early mortals how to start a fire.
[Y] About
Wingspan is approximately 5 feet.
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green