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[Y] Characters
[Y] Thunder


Played by Height5' 6"
CreatedAug10/13 11:30:02Weight156 lbs
ModifiedAug10/13 11:30:02EyesMagenta
Western ZodiacSpeciesHedgehog
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Black
GendermaleFur PatternThree thunderbolts vertically going up from forehead to halfway across needles
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureSlender, relaxed needles
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[Y] History

Thunder was created in the middle of the Mobian Desert from a lightning bolt hitting a stray quill of Sonic the Hedgehog, awakening in the resulting geode. He had no recollection of who he was or where he came from, except that he was surrounded by lightning, and as one hit him, he felt comfortable, and even stronger. So the name Thunder stuck to him. He wandered that desert, instinctively looking for a home. He saw a trashed base of Eggman, drawn to it by its electronics. As he tried to access a database, he got images of Eggman, Sonic & his friends, and other things, including how to make robots. However, the look of the robots repulsed him, so he impulsively made the robots, and eventually the base itself, to his liking. When he was done, the base looked nothing like Eggman's making.

For a while, he grew up, using the computers and robots to get him what he needed. Then, he began to see the other places on Mobius, and wonder what it would be like to venture to those places and meet those people. As he began to see the images of girls, a feeling he never knew he had began to grow: sexual arousal. Wanting to know more, Thunder began to make transports for land, air, and sea and in-between, going out into the world to see what it had to offer him. Perhaps he could figure out where he came from.

Ever since he discovered that Eggman was using a process called roboticization to make animals & Mobians his slaves, Thunder has been working on a reversal process to undo this. In the meantime, Thunder has offered sanctuary to Robians wishing security & freedom until he can undo the roboticization. 

[Y] Interests

Thunder is fascinated with computers, robots, technology, and the capabilities thereof, and thus is constantly working on them. Due to his interest of girls, he often uses female bodies & voices in AIs & robots, using synthetic skin & parts for the robots and making graphics for the AIs.

Thunder knows absolutely nothing about females, and his curiosity knows no limits, so he tries to talk to different females to learn, discovering his likes and dislikes, to trial and error.

[Y] Dislikes
Thunder is absolutely abhorrent to robotization for slavery & punishment. He believes it was meant to help others instead of harm, so he does everything in his power to combat wrongful roboticization. He also disapproves of misusing technology to intentionally do damage to the environment and the cycle of nature. He also has a slight distaste for Sonic's careless, illogical nature, believing him to just rush into things without thinking them through. It annoys him to a point, believing his speed & agility could be put to much better use.
[Y] About
Thunder can use a special ability called Chaos Conduit. It has two uses: To create a spatial rift from one place to another, which is a portal in essence, and to carry energy from one destination to another, whether is forced out or not. However this technique is draining and tends to leave Thunder tired without using Balance Cufflings. For him to go long distances with others and drain heavy amounts of energy, he'll need a Chaos Emerald. Thunder has the power of electrokinesis, allowing him to summon & manipulate electricity & lightning, which works well with his interest of electronics, technology, and mechanical engineering. As a result, he has made several devices & weapons using electricity, with himself as a living battery.
[Y] Fetishes
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