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[Y] Saul Theisian

Saul Theisian

Played by Height6ft. 11in.
CreatedNov24/08 11:16:31Weight235lb
ModifiedMar2/09 13:59:56EyesOrange
Western ZodiacscorpioSpeciesDragon
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Blue w/Deep green stripes
GendermaleFur PatternBlue body scales with stripes of deep green running all over his body. Most noticable on his tail and face.
OrientationheterosexualFur TextureScale
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[Y] History

Saul has always been one to take the fight to others before they come to him for an ambush or anything of that sort.  He has always been one to help someone when they needed and mostly even if they don't, making him a great friend and good dracon {As most have learnt to call him}.

His father enlisted him in the academy over 15 years ago and he rose through the ranks and became head of the class in CQB, Hand-to-Hand Fighting and Armed Combat.  Though he became good in these area's, Saul is also an expert Marksman, currently holding the record in Distance and Accuracy shooting.

[Y] Interests
Good friends, good people in general and the ocassional good drink as well.  Though not much of a drinker, he has been known to put many of a person under the table.
[Y] Dislikes
Biggest thing that gets under Saul's diamond hard scales is someone that mistreats others.  He also hates people that run out on him and his friends when they are on a mission or when they are trying to do something to help someone.
[Y] About
About the best way to describe Saul Theisian in a nut shell is this:  Hes a good hearted guy that would give someone the shirt right off his back if he knew it would help them.  Gentle and also careing for his friends, he will stand up for them faster than anything.
[Y] Relationships

Good Friends: Leon, Gale, Alyce, Vince

Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green