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[Y] Danté Silvermoon

Danté Silvermoon

Played by Height6ft. 9in.
CreatedJun23/09 15:03:37Weight224lbs.
ModifiedJan1/11 11:51:34EyesIcy Silver
BirthdayOct28/85HairSoft Grey with Red tips
Western ZodiacscorpioSpeciesSergal [Note: Sergal's are a creation and copy writen to Trancy Mick]
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Soft Grey with Red tips on mane, down back and tail, White
GendermaleFur PatternNo particular pattern.
OrientationBisexualFur TextureSmooth, Well Groomed
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[Y] History
Danté was abandoned long ago by his parents, so he actually never did get to really know them or what they did.  After reaching the age of 18, he started looking for them but eventually gave up after a year and three months of hitting nothing but dead ends.  Over the next 4 years, Danté spent the rest of his time training himself in multiple forms of martial arts and mastered three of them, making him extremely deadly even with his bare feet.  Now at the age of 23, he spends most of his time writing colums for martial arts magazines and traveling the world to competitions to cover the stories.  Danté has even published is own short magazine named "Silver's Worldly Coverage" that sells at thousands of news stands over the world and covers smaller competitions throughout the world.
[Y] Interests
Danté gets along with seemingly with everyone he has ever met, even after a competition he has just been in against someone.  He mostly spends his time either writing on the many stories that he has thought up over the years or just setting out on the patio over looking the ocean reading during the evening.  Though he seems rather closed to everyone, Danté is actually a very active person spending some nights at a club a close friend of his opened in the nearby city,
[Y] Dislikes
Danté hates anyone that talks behind his back.  If they can't say nothing to his face then he would rather them not say nothing at all about him.  This little reactive temper has landed him in jail a few times, but for no more than a single day.  He also hates when someone brings his sexuality into question as a joke...
[Y] About

Other then having a slight temper, Danté is actually a very good friend to have around.  Even though he is actually gay, you couldn't tell it from the way he acts unless he's around someone he likes.  Danté usually tends to keep to himself and his writings when he isn't out on a business trip to cover a martial arts competition.  He tends to be protective of his friends and is very outgoing when it comes to having fun....Though he does usually turn shy when there is someone new around that he hasn't yet met.

 ([Kudos to Eternity for helping me with the name for Danté.  I was having trouble with this character's name and he helped me out with it.  Thanks dude.])

[Y] Relationships
No masters, close friends, slaves or mates as of right now.  {But hoping to change that.}
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green