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[Y] Characters
[Y] Delivery Mariuce Pony

Delivery Mariuce Pony

Played by Height4'7"
CreatedApr3/13 18:02:36WeightChanges every second
ModifiedAug4/13 22:40:18EyesPurple & Pink
Western ZodiacSpeciesHorse(NOT PONY)
SexmaleFur Colour(s)White
GendermaleFur Patternpostal service logo burned onto hind legs.
OrientationPostal ServiceFur TextureSoft
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History

Delivery Pony was originally and unnamed horse with no skill, no talent, and moderately learning disabled. At the age of 5, however, everything changed. He recieved a massive degree of brain damage from listening to rap music,  and proceeded to forget who he was. Then he remembered again. Then he didn't particularly care and went to go be a mailing horse. He excelled at this line of work, being the fastest in recorded history at alphebetizing, sorting, and delivering mail, never missing a deadline. All without knowing how to count past 72, nor knowing the alphabet past 6.

  It was at the perfection of his mail delivery skills that his mentor, the Postman branded him with the slogan of an eagle on his back hips, as a symbol of his perfect skills with mail delivery.

[Y] Interests

He loves sorting mail, deliverying mail, giving mail to a client, and everything else encompassing mail delivery. He also loves the paste on the back of envelopes.

Love letters are his favorite, because they are an expression of love, and usually smell nice.

[Y] About


Also, he is indeed a HORSE, and not a PONY. Make no mistake, he is not related to a certain over-popular franchise about ponies.

 While he is making a delivery, he has superpowers. Every superpower, available as he needs them to complete the delivery on time.  When not making a delivery, he doesn't have any superpowers except for  immunity to poison, due to having consumed 8,000 gallons of anthrax once while on the job.

 Due to his brain damage, he can't feel fear, anger, sadness or depression. While this makes him intelectually stupid, he has an unmatched sense of optimism, and pure, unaditered devoted to his job, and he always greets everyone with an uplifting smile and is sympathetic to everyone. Between his incapacity for anger and his limited mental capacity, he is incapable for being serious, except in the most grave situations concevable. That's a good thing, because when he gets serious... That's when 'that' happens...

http://oi43.tinypic.com/2up39c1.jpg On Duty
http://oi44.tinypic.com/2ltpmpy.jpg Off Duty

Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green