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[Y] Characters
[Y] Ranix (OoC)

Ranix (OoC)

Played by HeightWhen human, 5'8"
CreatedSep11/10 02:18:41Weight
ModifiedDec7/10 00:40:44EyesBrown
Western ZodiacgeminiSpeciesShapshifter, depends on mood. Normally a dragon though.
SexmaleFur Colour(s)
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationheterosexualFur Texture
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[Y] History

21 year old black dude.  Yes, black people DO exist in on the internet, and in the furry fandom... and ones that actually type well, speak well, and don't act 'gangsta'.  I've met a few of them, actually. 


Still amuses me to hear people go 'OMG you're black!' when they see me or I tell them.  *Snickers.*  So anyway... I live in the US, on the east coast.  Virginia near-native (wasn't born, but WAS raised here), and was up until recently was sure that I was the only fur around where I live.  A rather welcome discovery for me <3.  Anywho...

[Y] Interests
If ya want in my heart fast, speak with decent spelling and grammar, or at least ATTEMPT to. Be nice, and have a very good sense of patience and humor... most of what comes out of my mouth is a joke, and half of it may sound mean but isn't directly meant that way. That or you can just hip me to some new music I like, or have a love of some obscure song that I think only I've heard before. I'm big on music like that.

Which brings me to my love of music, which is an EXTREME interest... and games. I also like game music... some of it anyway. I know awesome songs that I've found from some games that I'm sure not many people know of ^^

Um... I'm scared to put this last part here, so I'ma put it with a disclaimer.

::DISCLAIMER!:: Do NOT try to off the bat act extremely desperate or slutty. And if you do come off that way, at the very least come off that way with decent grammar. >.> But don't expect instant sex, or any sex at all unless ya know me well.

That being said... I'm a dragon >.> We have very strong drives sexually. I make lewd comments, teasing remarks, flirty jokes, and the like all the time. If it makes you queasy, of course I can refrain from it. But if you don't tell me off the bat, expect one out of me eventually... or more than one. Several in fact. Doesn't mean I'm ALWAYS up for sex, but I do think about it a lot... 'least when I'm not caught up gaming... and sometimes even then >.>

[Y] Dislikes
I don't like sex hounds, which yes, I know it goes against that last thing on my interests. But I explained that already... I don't mind sexual people, but people who ONLY think sex, and never think otherwise are just... nonos.

I also don't like 'strictly roleplayers'. As in, I don't like the people who think roleplay all the gawddamn time x.x at least, not most of them. When you start complaining about no roleplay allll the time, or if you can't find it in yourself to just talk to me when I'm in a talking mood and always try to bug me for roleplay... that's a good way to get me to ignore you. I'm a good roleplayer, I know this, but I'm not always up for roleplaying.

I don't like people who can't type worth a damn x.x Grammar Nazi? Maybe. But I'd rather be a G.N. than being... well, looking like a moron who can't type past fourth grade English.

I also don't like a few other things, but getting to know me better'll reveal those.

[Y] About
A lot of times I tend to be assholish. I say and do assholish things. There are times where my comments are meant to be serious... sometimes I'll comment on people who're typing if it's just THAT bad t o me and I can't take it anymore. Why don't I just hit the IGN button? 'cuz then I'd miss conversations, and sometimes the conversations I hear put me in a good mood for being so entertaining XD

I love to talk, and apart from my initial assholish nature, I'm actually a pretty helpful guy. If you need help learning anything about this place, roleplay in general, or anything really, I can help! And if I can't help, then I know people who do XD

I don't know anything else to put in this yet so... for now that's it!

[Y] Relationships
Lots 'n looots of friends... I'll try to write something about each of 'em, 'cuz they're all special to me in some way or another ^^

Rosette Contrail! My fine birdy gaaming companion XD I've taken her through two games, and soon to be a third we shall play together XD >.> Little robiness is a bit of a hornball though... *Coughs.* But I loves ya anyway <3

Katty, my musical friend, who helps me when my mood crashes to get really distracted from all the bad stuff, 'till of course the music ends... and after that there's always another song!

Luc, the oddity. Who always tries to rule a kingdom from my head... ehhh, I don't mind it s'much, he's decently snuggly. Just be careful for when he explodes >.>

Arashi! My brother from another mother (that's the ONLY time I'll ever use that). You may be one of the biggest hornballs I've ever met, but you're awesome XD Life would be boring without a brother like you XD

Thalassa, who's been my friend for the longest time, and good heavens the stuff we've seen! I'll be looking forward to calling you teacher one day <3

Raimei, who's got the cutest voice I've ever heard, especially when she's singing. Seriously, if you ever hear it, you'll just fall in love with her, not kidding ^^ Oh, and of course, who draws way better than I do, bugeyes and all~ (just kidding, I love the eyes ^^)

Kiru, you animal >.> Stick with one fursona for once! ...then again, I've got like 30-something characters at this point, I can't say anything... but I can always noogie! *Will be creating the most epic noogie ever for him soon enough, you can bet on that!*

If you're not here yet, don't think that means we aren't friends >.> Just means I'm distracted and can't think XD So ask, and I'll put ya up here ^^

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