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[Y] Eva


Played by HeightFive feet, seven inches
CreatedMay12/13 11:14:40Weight
ModifiedMay12/13 11:28:47EyesGrayish-blue
Western ZodiacSpeciesDragonair
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)Blue and white
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
[Y] History
[ Appearance, not my work, please recognize original artist: http://e621.net/data/d9/fe/d9fe1e439a1ee8544c9c1213e97f6852.jpg?1278855785 ] 
[Y] About
Eva has a way of carrying herself with both grace and sensuality. While being somewhat of a flirt, she keeps it classy and respectable. Sometimes she may come across as snooty or snippy or carry a "too good for you" attitude. But frankly, if she doesn't feel like being easy or letting herself completely submit to the general public, she won't. That doesn't mean she can't be fun either, though. Eva's a terrible tease, showing a very playful side to her somewhat...steely composure. She doesn't usually like wearing much in the way of clothing. Sometimes she'll wear none at all, but most of the time it will be very scant. Her favorite colors to wear are black, silver, and white. Eva isn't a prude, or unwilling to be intimate, but doesn't tend to just jump into bed straightaway with a random stranger. Flirting, however, she won't hesitate about (as said before). Being a pokemon, there is a part of her that would like to have some sort of Master/Trainer. Yet she is very confident in herself, to the point of being on the edge of arrogant. That can be a little off-putting, understandably. She has a tendancy to put up these kind of...walls around herself, though. Part of this is because that for years she has been pressured to evolve into a Dragonite to be stronger and fully realized, and has this complex of being judged or not good enough.
[Y] Relationships
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green
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