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[Y] Tori Wdowvrs

Tori Wdowvrs

Played by Height5' 7''
CreatedMay25/13 17:21:37Weight175lbs
ModifiedMay26/13 11:33:15EyesDark, near black Blue Pupils and a sparkly blue iris
BirthdayMay26/94HairDark brown, flat hair to his chin with a few sandy streaks
Western ZodiacgeminiSpeciesFeline (Russian White)
SexCuntboiFur Colour(s)Solid white
GenderfemaleFur PatternSolid white with slightly grey ears
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft and cottony, though short furred
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[Y] History
Being born to an urban area on the coatlines of California Tori grew up to a seperated house with his parents being split up due to their job placement. Both the parents were surprised when their son came out with a vagina despite having an activated Y Chromosome. Both parents took care of him in their own homes once a month. Each raising him differently. His mother insisted he be raised as a girl and treated him out to shopping, make overs, and cooking classes, where as his father insisted he be raised as a boy and took him out to the gym, sports sessions, and the occassional father-son drive along with other things expected typically of the American male. This fued didn't stop when his body took a shape either, feminine body, face, and a slightly male voice, though it'd work for either gender, all took hold and now his parents tried to force his sexuality. His mother insisted he be with men and brought over quite a few boys to date him, never teling them Tori's biological gender, a few of these men took advantage of the poor little kitten, though Tori found it hard to complain when it felt so good. His father insisted he date girls and brought over lesbians and bisexuals, girls who'd expect a vagina and not ruin his reputation for lacking a penis. These girls also had sex with him on occasson, making Tori in a rather high position to brag about having been with some of the more prejudice Lesbians and Dykes. Two years later and now Tori is free from his parents fickle feud and free to make his own decision. He can never be seen in public without his worn blue-grey hoody, which he wears to hide the fact he lacks any breasts due to the Y Chromosome only giving him male pecs. His hips, frame, face, and vagina are the only things female to him, his internals are all male except he has no testicals or ovaries and is left with something like a womb but not exactly one. His 'testevaries' were removed due to the health issue they provoked.
[Y] Interests
Handsome, Dominant men and Sexy Dominant women are his favored for a hot quicky,though for any actual loving he'd prefer a cutie such as himself; sweet, citrusy snacks and tarts are his favorite treats but for meal time he prefers fish or pork and veggies like Okra or sweet potato; shades and tints of blue are his favorite colors and he can often be spotted meandering about in his blue-grey hoodie and navy rave cargos, a set he believes fits both genders well.
[Y] Dislikes
Over aggressive and forward men and women are a turnoff to him, though acting hard-to-get makes him lose interest, finding a balance to this is the best way to keep him interested and willing to serve; bitter, dry, and spicy foods irritate his throat, nose, and tongue, giving him a sore throat, a sneezing fit, or a limp, lulled out tongue; his large, fluffy tail is extremely sensitive at the base, don't touch it unless your fucking him unless you want to get clawed across the face; Shades and tints of red make him scared so don't wear a lot of red if you're expecting to be with him.
[Y] About
These links aren't working wtf Karma fix dis e3e because they don't want to work in their designated slot: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=15590139 Work~AZUMAN
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green