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[Y] Joshua Serine

Joshua Serine

Played by Height6'4''
CreatedMay27/13 11:02:55Weight195lbs
ModifiedMay27/13 16:37:52EyesHazel
Western ZodiacgeminiSpeciesWotter
SexmaleFur Colour(s)cream, tan, brown, dark brown, white.
GendermaleFur PatternBasic otter pattern with a tint of Wolf.
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History
Joshua was born in the same city the Tavern is in to his parent's Timber Wolf and Malina Serine. He grew up taking after his mother a lot, his body feminine and face girlish, though he was a boy true. He doesn't like cutting his hair and instead keeps it as a parted curtain cut, much like Leon S. Kennedy's from Resident Evil© owned by Capcom®. He's a bold boy, despite his feminine figure, rather rash and confident in himself, until it comes to gay sex that is - where his confidence breaks a little and he acts all nervous and shy. He likes girls a lot more than men mostly because he doesn't like the thought of him acting all submissive which is almost inevitable when it comes to men with him, though he does like boys. He has a scar on his back similar to his mother's scar, though this scar was due to a surgery when he was 13. He's a gamer and is never without some gaming device or toy. As for clothes he wears a grey-blue graphic tee from Girl® on a white long sleeved shirt, and khaki Cargo pants.
[Y] Interests
Gaming, mostly shooters and RPGs, he doesn't like puzzle games except for a few exceptions like Portal©; When it comes to food he loves meat, especially seafood like crabs and crustacians, though he cant stand octopus and squid, his favorite veggies also belong in the water, Rice and water chestnuts being on the top of the list and potatos and corn coming in close second; Dominant, forward men drive him nuts in bed - in a good way, just as submissive, cute girls get him riled up.
[Y] Dislikes
Overly Dominant or otherwise demanding women piss him off though he does love a submissive, shy boy; Sour foods drive him nuts mostly out of embarrassment from the faces they make him pull off; when it comes to games he hates it when there is a lack of story, character development, challenge, or if the game is just otherwise "unfinished and thrown together by rocket scientist monkies on crack."
[Y] Relationships
Malina Serine→Mother Timber Wolf→Father Rina Serine→Sister
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green