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[Y] Eric "Melon" McLaren

Eric "Melon" McLaren

Played by Height6' 3''
CreatedOct3/13 14:59:21Weight250lbs
ModifiedOct3/13 15:00:18EyesGreen
BirthdayHairScruffy, brown, feathered, and short.
Western ZodiacSpeciesRed Fox (Vulpes Vulpes)
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Rusty Orange, Brown, and white
GendermaleFur PatternA basic fox pattern with Deep brown ears, arms, and legs, a deep brown ring seperates his rusty orange fur from the white tip of his fluffy brush.
OrientationPansexualFur TextureSoft, feathered, and warm
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[Y] Melon's Typical Weekend