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[Y] Fenris


Played by Height1,87m(human)
CreatedNov19/13 16:48:41Weight100kg
ModifiedNov19/13 17:04:27EyesYellow
BirthdayHairDark grey
Western ZodiacSpeciesNorse god(wolf)
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Gray
GendermaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur TextureDarker by the stomach brighter on the back
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[Y] History
Fenris is the norse god of wolves. He was captured by the other gods, and destined to break loose on Ragnarok. At that point, he will kill Odin, but Odin's son Vidar will kill him shortly afterwards. After centuries of captivity, he realizes that he could avoid dying if he didn't try to kill Odin, because Vidars fate to slay him after Odins death would be equally delayed. Therefore, he has hidden himself as a human, always running
[Y] Interests
Fighting and hunting are Fenris' favorite activities, he loves besting his enemies and then, they get the same treatment as his prey. Whatever he captures, he keeps as slaves for exactly one year.
[Y] Dislikes
Fenris is extremely protective of children, he will go out of his way to utterly destroy anyone he sees harming children. He also really hates gods. He is very fearful of Vidar finding him, because of this, he stays in human form as much as possible. If he is forced to show his true form, he gets mad, really mad
[Y] About
The roots in Norse mythology pretty much end in character names and roles. Ragnarok hasn't happened yet for instance... Even in his human form he has increased strength and senses, especially his sense of smell is great, he is also extremely skilled in gun and bowplay. He can turn into a wolf whenever he pleases, but his true form( wich is far stronger than any of his other forms) will let Vidar know his location. If he gets caught, he will be killed, it is his fate, and it can't be stopped.
[Y] Relationships
His sister Hel(Norse god of death) is the only one he knows without hating. Even though the god of the dead isn't exactly an easy person to like, they have a mutually beneficient relationship. He feeds her, while she has agreed to let him go if he dies. Of course, Fenris can't be sure she'll keep her promise, but he still sacrifices humans (and animals) to her, just in case.
[Y] Fetishes
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green