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[Y] Illdan Dyrr

Illdan Dyrr

Played by Height7'2"
CreatedApr8/13 04:22:26Weight270 lbs
ModifiedApr8/13 04:59:29EyesYellow
Western ZodiacariesSpeciesSergal
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)White and grey
GendermaleFur PatternA grey abdomen, with white highlights and grey "gloves" and "socks"
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSoft
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[Y] History
Iildan crash landed on Earth in 1989, at the age of 10. As a sergal, he was already quite large and fearsome looking. For most of his life he lived in solitude, inhabiting a densely wooded area in the back country of Germany. In 2012, he had his first contact with and intelligent native of this world. That contact was Pharun Banere. Pharun easily looke past the fearsome exterior, and extended a hand to the creature. Illdan had been longing for society for a very long time, and as such, he took Pharun's hand. From there, Pharun took Illdan out into the world, exposing him slowly to the sights, sounds and people of a world completely ailen to him. He's still quite unsure what to make of this place, but living among people was far better than his long solitude. He and Pharun parted ways a year after their first meeting, and it is only now that Illdan has tracked Pharun down, searching for his only friend.
[Y] Interests
Illdan doesn't grasp the common social norms. He tends to be rather blunt, saying exactly what he wants. He is also largely unknowing of the world around him. As such what interests him most is what comes to him naturally, fighting, hunting and survival, but he wishes to truly experience more of this world.
[Y] About
His grasp of English is limited. He tends to speak in short broken sentences, and frequently mis-uses words.
[Y] Relationships
Pharun Banere- Trusted Friend
[Y] Fetishes
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green
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