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[Y] Femboi Pharun

Femboi Pharun

Played by Height5'6"
CreatedFeb13/14 02:25:12Weight120 lbs
ModifiedFeb14/14 01:50:54EyesGreen
BirthdayNov9/91HairShoulder length, blue with red accents
Western ZodiacscorpioSpeciesGerman Shepard
SexmaleFur Colour(s)brown and black
GendermaleFur Patternsable
OrientationgayFur Texturesofty, silky
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[Y] History

Femboi Pharun is an extension of "normal" Pharun. It's my own personal foray into the world of being submissive, feminine, and well, more girlish. Consider it an experiment in self discovery of sorts. Personality wise, Femboi is very similar to Pharun, with a few distinct differences, mainly the fact Femboi is more shy and reserved, as opposed to the masculine versions more boisterous, outgoing nature. As things, and this separate personality develop, more shall be added. As a side note, it is perfectly acceptable to address Femboi as a "her", despite being genetically, and identifying as a male, she likes to be referred to using female pronouns.

 As a history, RP-wise, Femboi will have a unique backstory, to difference her from my main.

Growing up, Pharun was raised in sort of an upper-middle class neighborhood. Never doing much to make people take notice of her early in life, she started to come into her own in high school, as she became more social, thanks to things like Anime Club, and playing board games at the local card shop. Around the time she turned 16, she started to develop her more feminine personality. Thankfully, her classmates and teachers didn't make too much a fuss about it, as she began to dress in female's clothes, and act more girlish. Because of this, nobody was the least bit surprised when she came out as gay.

Despite the journey of self discovery throughout high school, she lead a very sheltered life. It wasn't until she left for college that she truly experienced the world at large. Quickly, she became frequently found in clubs, at parties and anywhere that people were. It was this that lead her to find her own fetishes. At a party, she encountered the BDSM community for the first time, and quickly became enthralled with the lifestyle. The release of power, the surrnnder of control... It was absolutely magical, and she felt it was exactly what she needed in her life.

Fresh out of college, and in a new town, it only remains to see what the future shall hold. 

[Y] Interests

Chastity is a major interest. The act of controlling someone's pleasure and release like that is a definite turn-on, though being the submissive, she loves the feeling of being controlled and denied by the more dominant personalities.

Exhibitionism is also a great turn on. Despite being a bit shy and reserved, she enjoys the thrill and excitement that public play can bring.

Bondage is always a plus. Going back to chastity, it's all about the relinquishment of control to another person. It might seem odd, but leaving someone else in control is... calming and soothing to an extent. With less worries on the mind, and only the present to think about, it's almost theraputic.


[Y] Relationships
Currently owned and being trained by Alice ((alicefutakitty))
[Y] Fetishes
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