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[Y] Sabremaw


Played by HeightAbout 6 foot
CreatedNov14/13 18:42:29Weight140lbs
ModifiedNov14/13 18:42:29EyesHazel
BirthdayHairLong pony tail going down his back
AgeNationalityThe sea
Western ZodiacSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Navy blue
GendermaleFur PatternAll one color
OrientationFur TextureRough and dotted with scars
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[Y] History
"Me ma always said I had a fancy for the sea so it was no surpirse that I followed me pa to the water, when I came of age I took my place on the ship among the other men, course' me ma while I was busy rolling the seas came sick and died before I could return with pa, he was...well upset to put it lightly, when we made port he didn't come back, the captain sent men after him, the boys returned hour later, telling of me pa strung out over me ma's grave, dead, couldn't stand to be without her I ponder, that was four years ago to this day, I still say he choose poorly but in the end, twas his choice of course, I just do me part onboard and try not to think about it, I hardly grieve for them, they were just folks to me, not parents or kin...just two wolves who couldn't live without one another."
[Y] Interests
The sea of course, boats, being out at sea always puts him at ease or just being near water really, his crew mates, a good drink and a fine woman, other things much too dangerous to put on paper.
[Y] Dislikes
High and mighty people who wanna tell him how to live and such, bullies but that doesn't mean he isn't above putting you in your place, being on land for too long at times, other pir- err I mean sailors, not much else will make he mad, he's been through alot in his 26 years aboard the ship so you'll just have to "test" the waters.
[Y] About
A good description of the rough wolf, not mine- http://www.deviantart.com/art/Wolf-Pirate-68494348 all the credit goes to the artist DarkIceWolf
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green