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[Y] Luscious The Brave

Luscious The Brave

Played by Height6'7
CreatedOct21/13 05:52:02Weight Easily 135 lbs
ModifiedOct21/13 05:52:02EyesA piercing green
BirthdayHairMedium shaggy black
Western ZodiacSpeciesWolf
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Light gray
GendermaleFur PatternA solid gray with small darker patches of his scars
OrientationbisexualFur TextureIts mostly soft save for a scar here and there
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[Y] History
Was once human, a busy mercenary and sellsword who would do just about anything for a gold coin and the attention of the world, one day he was asked to join a party of people going through a portal discovered in some ruins, he tagging along as security and protection he gladly accepted, so after they made the creepy and if he might add tingly transfer through the portal they appeared in a empty plain alone, figuring something was wrong he had just enough time to draw his sword before the demons were upon them, the men fought back fiercely but it wasn't enough, the demon's could fly and pelted them with strange concotions making his nose bleed from the smell alone, he letting his cowardess get the better of him in the mass confusion managed to slip away, the effects of the liquids still taking affect even as he found shelter in a nearby cave, as the night when on he changed, body growing taller and more rigid as he took on the features of a canine, a day later he left the cave in a dazed blur, finding the portal and ALOT of blood, seems he was the only one who made it and what was worse as he pushed through the portal back to his world, the demon's had found their way through and killed the men managing the area where they'd came in, not a single person was alive when he stumbled back through, he after hours of trying, shut off the portal and left, roaming now in search of a anwser to what happened and how to change him back, tho the incident was over 5 years ago he is now content to stay this way fighting in hiding and remaining masked to those he meets.
[Y] Interests
Not much does such a thing, Swords and blades, guns and using them, fighting and sometimes when his blood lust rises, killing, working with his hands, keeping busy and traveling the world, not being pestered about his looks or past.
[Y] Dislikes
People who are openly slobs, lazy or stubborn. Losing his blade or a fight tho the second one is understandable, staying in one place for way too long and people who hunt wolves and such, its because of his looks not the fact that they hunt, wouldn't be the first time someone though they could skin his hide and sell it
[Y] About
Appearance= He's a tall cloaked figure at first sight, wielding a broad sword and knows how to use it and just about any blade pretty well, He doesn't tend to take off the wrap around his face or head until its deathly needed, tends to smoke and drink when seen, tends to be cocky when pushed but quiet at first meeting someone, he may stare at you but that's only his way of measuring you but take that how ya want. Not else to tell unless ya met him but like life this will be updated as he grows and makes his place known
[Y] Relationships
None of course
Post Comment
Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green