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[Y] Hardy "Ardy" Pierce

Hardy "Ardy" Pierce

Played by HeightAbout 5'9
CreatedSep29/13 07:41:55WeightPretty thin, he is a stray after all
ModifiedSep29/13 07:41:55EyesSoft green
BirthdayHairLong brown matching his fur
AgeNationalityOrphaned so unknown
Western ZodiacSpeciesAlley cat
SexmaleFur Colour(s)Brown with a little black.
GendermaleFur PatternMostly brown with a black spot covering his eye
OrientationbisexualFur TextureSome-what soft and dotted with scars
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[Y] History
Known as "You stupid thief" from his local towns folk he raised himself on the streets of the city, rather then be stuck in some home for boys he rebelled and has been on his own ever since, he soon leanred that the city was one big playground waiting to be conquered and so he did, he's been to the top of most of the buildings and lives above the tavern in his own make-shift shack where he sleeps and relaxes, he can normall be found lazily laying on one of the rafters, not really the social type so he didn't make many friends just a couple weirdos who followed him for a while then lost interest, he now just resides in the city, he doesn't steal anymore and the cops are too scared to climb to the heights it would take to get him so they just keep an eye on him, other then that he's your average alley cat making it on his own.
[Y] Interests
"Hmmm interests?...Hmmm I'd have to say parkour. Sure its dangerous but ya don't get a rush like that from much else, being up there without anything stopping except the ground is a thrill like no other, Hmmm what else? I guess booze can be okay, tried some once and well it didn't agree with me but maybe I could try other stuff if offered but I doubt it'll be any different. Hmmm music most defiantly, I..'picked up' this guitar and now I tend to play with it every chance I get. Do I sing? Uhm.. Alittle honestly, am I gonna win awards for my voice, no in a million years. Hmm most other stuff tends to peak my interest, I've walked away with enough black eyes to know to stay away females, their just magnets for jerks, I'm serious if their not turning their nose up at you their trying to what you have, not to say their all bad but most are pure evil, guys on the other hand are more my type, share a few drinks and some laughs and their putty, I'll admit some can be dramatic but most are okay in my book, sorry ladies.
[Y] Dislikes
"Drives me mad? Hmmm not much does that., cops, security, order, most of that law shit tend to bug the piss out of me, as long as your not a hard on lawman we're fine, Hmm I'd have to say other then that not much else, beer, being looked at like a pest because of my background, hey I didn't choose to be an orphan ya know, Hmmm canines make me uneasy but most of the time their just big softies, Homophobic fag spewing asshats are the ones I'll probably either prank or avoid, not much else besides obvious stuff, don't bug me, my stuff or my place and we'll be friends.
[Y] About
Most of the time he can come across as anti-social but that honestly just means he wants so bad to say something but is too shy, don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with him, he not as dirty as you think, he does bathe and care about his looks, he just can't help the scars and bad times he has, if you can get him to sing, then your doing something very right and he probably trusts you a good bit, he has still yet to find out his past and why he was orphaned so I wouldn't try that road unless your ready for some resistance.
[Y] Relationships
Psh, nah, care to change that?
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Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised
Shocked Confused Cool Laughing
Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink
Exclamation Question Neutral Mr. Green