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[Y] Lil'Oddur


Played by Height
CreatedDec12/13 12:27:15Weight
ModifiedFeb4/14 20:16:16EyesGreen
BirthdayHairBlack and Blue
Western ZodiacSpeciesNeo-tropical Otter
SexFur Colour(s)
GenderFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
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[Y] History

Lily is a loli trap otter.

When encountering Lily for the first time, She comes off as a male character.

Lily is not a transgender character in any way. She just loves to dress like a boy. No point in dressing like a girl, on the basis that it would draw attention to her flat chest. And people would think of her as a cross dressing male. And she didn't want that. 

[Y] Interests

Food. Games. Sex. 


Lily loves size difference. She likes tall broad males, who can fill her up. Hyper's, Macro's, and Micro's are not part of that list. 

[Y] Dislikes
Feet, Hyper, Ponies, Water-sports, Scat, Gore, Vore, Diapers, Micro's/macro's.
[Y] About
Growing up, Lily's parent's had her always wearing dresses and skirts and cute girly things. When high school hit, and Lily was still undeveloped, she began dressing as a guy. Her parent's figured it was a faze, and let her do it. Sophomore year, her parent's died in a car accident. Beyond devastated, she still never went back to wearing girls clothes, even though she knew her mom and dad would have wanted her too. Hanging out with the guys, smoking, skateboarding, playing video games. It was always fun and Lily could live care free. Freshman year, Her friends used to call her lil'man. So they never knew her name. She got the nickname because she is so very short. (4'2) When Lili developed a crush on one of her friends, they assumed she was gay. Her friend tried to tell her he wasn't interested, and it crushed her. But she told him she understood. So she shook it off, and tried not to get more involved. Finally, her friend began feeling bad, and asking her to hang out more. Lily and this guy became so close, that she finally told him her secret. He was shocked, and asked her to go home. She was sure that the next day the entire school was going to know. But nothing happened. Nothing changed. He invited her over again a few days later, and they talked. Her friend kept her secret as long as she wanted. Senior year, when they graduated, Lily was valedictorian. She spoke about her friends, and the school, and every thing she accomplished. She talked about how hard life for her had been after her parent's died. She had been living with her aunt for the longest time, but with a secret. Something not even her aunt knew. Lily told them that she was female. She explained her secret to her class mates. Many people hated her, and many people loved her. She finally introduced herself as Lily. Now, lily lives alone. She has no mate. But many many friends.
[Y] Relationships
Mated to Kynes. Her deer.
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