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[Y] The Draculas

The Draculas

Played by Height
CreatedFeb5/14 12:53:48Weight
ModifiedFeb16/14 18:40:47Eyes
Western ZodiacSpecies
SexFur Colour(s)
GenderFur Pattern
OrientationFur Texture
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[Y] History
The Dracula's - A well known name in the fifteen hundreds. Known as vampires. After many centuries, people had wonder what happened to the infamous family of vampires. Had they been slain, had they gone into hiding, have they been dorment and waiting to strike? Noone knows, not even the family. But, all they know is they spread out, they don't know what happened to the Count himself. So they had visited the castle and found it empty, each deciding seeing as he was no more, finding evidential proof of the Count's demise, they had made the castle their home and now live together.
[Y] About

Ryan - Male - born 1812 - altered 2010 - Ryan was out flying through the night when he had gotten attacked by some bird, he was on the verge of death when a scientist had found him and took him in to fix him up. Ryan's body is now 50% machine. He still lives on blood but can now survive on motor oil as well.

Rachel - Female - born 1900 - New Years Day. Rachel's mother was a unicorn her father met. Her father was very unusual. He enjoyed having fun with animals and well, when he found her mother to be pregnant with her he knew he messed up. But it wasn't all bad. He had taken Rachel and raised her well. Though she looks like a horse with bat wings, she was the best thing to ever happen to him. They were the best of friends and now that he's passed all she's got is her cousins, whom she spends a lot of time with. Grant it, she feels the urge, when she's in a pasture petting her horse, to bend over and let him mount her, seems either her equine instincts are kicking in or the apple don't fall far from the tree.

Markus - male - born 1909 - Markus was born during WWI, and grew up during the Roaring twenties. He had enjoyed it, but found it hard when the twenties turned into the dirty thirties, but of course he was only twenty-five. Markus moved on and eventually found himself being drafted into the military, making his way through the ranks in the army right up the the rank of General. Once he hit that rank he found himself face to face with Adolf Hitler. After his confrontation with the war leader he retired and went about to live his life. After that, he moved into the castle in Transelvania with his cousins to keep it up and running.

Damian - male - Born 1499 - The oldest of the four cousins, Damian had been around Paris when his grandfather had been slain. His parents had given the little guy everything he could want, except for the castle his grandfather had. He grew up and even went on the ship that brought Columbus over, after that, he's been there ever since. Well up until he had a contact reach him, by way of his cousin Ryan. After that he moved to Transylvania and the four have made it their home. Now they seek to find themselves mates who will join them in immortality and perhaps even show people, Vampires aren't monsters, they are people like everyone else.

Castella - female herm - The youngest daughter of the late Count Dracula, was only a year old when he died. So she don't know anything aside from him being her father. She is the oldest of relatives, to be alive in the Dracula family line, the others are her son, nieces and nephews, but she is also the latest to be living in the castle. Due to that fact she is the rightful heir to the castle and is the Princess of Darkness, however she chooses not to claim that title.

Davano - male herm - Davano is the oddball, Castella's only son, so far, is an ennergetic bat who finds odd ways to pleasure himself. However he uses these ways to show others a good way to pleasure themselves too. But other than that, not much can be said about this vampire bat. Other than his mother is also his father, due to her using a milking pump to knock herself up.

Clay - December 7, 1944 - Born to a vampire who loved beastial sex. He was born in Honolulu while his mother was on vacation. After she gave birth to him, she just up and left him there without a care and went to go fuck more animals. ten years after he was born he found his mother again who took him back. The two were close after that, he long forgave her for what she did, and the two now are happy as a family, she still goes has animal sex from time to time but has her priorities strait. After the death of his mother, Clay had left to go study law at Harvard. There he got a degree. In the year 1988 he retired from law and moved to Miami. While he was there he discovered he had family. Ten years after he retired, he moved to transylvania to be with his cousins and his aunt. There he went back into the law field and is the family lawyer.

Jeffery - December 31, 1890 - Unusual for his family, Jeffery was born without a tongue, well, sort of. Unlike his cousins his tongue was another organ entirely. Grant it, it was the reason behind his ridicule, but, he found it to be a perk. While getting a blow from a girl he can fuck her with his tongue, or while fucking her he can get a blow job. But luckily for him, only his natural cock is connected to his bladder. So the other is just for pleasure.

(Might add more to the family as time goes on. Not sure though. :))

[Y] Relationships

Ryan - None

Rachel - None

Markus -  Slave/Fiance - Vicky

Damian - None

Castella - Son - Davano

Davano - Mother - Castella

Clay - none

Jeffrey - None

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