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[Y] Joey Elanes

Joey Elanes

Played by Height
CreatedFeb18/14 06:57:42Weight
ModifiedFeb18/14 06:57:42Eyes
Western ZodiacSpeciesKangaroo
SexfemaleFur Colour(s)
GenderfemaleFur Pattern
OrientationbisexualFur Texture
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[Y] History

G'day mate, Joey here, and I'm gonna tell all ya'll about me. I was born in a zoo, well, most me relation were. I played real nice with all the kids who visited, in fact, there're times that I miss it. What ya'll see is what ya get. But it wasn't always that way. Nah, I was just a regular ol' roo. I was out enjoyin' time with my folks, lovely weather here in the states. Me mum and dad were asleep while I decided to sneak away and go for a little walk. It was then me life changed permanently. While I was walking a human snatched me, see the zoo was having a late night visits thing, and someone grabbed me and tossed me into a sack. I wanted to cry for help but me mouth was gagged. After awhile we drove around until we arrived at this lab.

Once at the lab they finally took me out of the bloody sack and tossed me into the cage, I mean the cage was no better because I wasn't with me mum, but at least I could see. One of the blokes had this pointy thing, it wasn't until my change that I came to find it was a needle. The wankers had a bloody odd machine and well, too a beautiful young sheila, around my age, and merged our bodies. The men thought that by doing so, she'd be revived. Well, they were partially correct. But I just wanted me mum and dad. After a few weeks trying me new body out, I finally found me way back to the zoo.

However, as great as that sounds, me mum and dad at first did not recognize me. In time they came to recognize their little Joey. After that I started working at the zoo, taking care of all the animals and seeing to visitors enjoyed the zoo. The owner, who became me best mate, was becoming old and needed to retire. Sad thing was after that he made his will, and left the zoo to me on the day that he died. So this is the story how you normal everyday joey kangaroo goes from being one of the animals in a zoo, to growing up, becoming what I am today to owning the very zoo I was born in. And now my current stuff, mates, is the story that time shall tell now. G'day mates, from your very pretty roo, Joey. 

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